The 2016 Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Sports Council Annual Awards were presented on Thursday 2nd March at Fife College in Kirkcaldy. Chairman Alistair Cameron welcomed representatives from clubs in membership of the Sports Council and provided a short resume of the year past and his hopes for the period ahead. Mark Goodall from Fife College delivered a short thought provoking session for the second year before Guest Speaker Derek Rae described his experiences of the last year that began with a London Marathon PB, selection for the Paralympic Games in Rio and attendance at a GB Athletics training camp in Kenya.
This set the tone for the main section of the evening, the annual awards that were coordinated by MC Ken White. Mathew Elder from the Fife Free Press brilliantly interviewed the individual category winners.
Derek Rae from Kirkcaldy deservedly won the Disability Sports Person of the Year Award sponsored by PLM Optometrists. One of the runners up in this section was Eleanor Clark from Kirkcaldy who is heading out to Cape Town in just over a week for the World Blind Bowls Championships. Derek was also recognised as a runner up in the Sports Personality of the Year Award sponsored by Fife College.
Owen Miller from Dunfermline who trains with Steve Doig of Fife AC in Kirkcaldy was awarded the Garry Innes Memorial Shield supported by the Sports Council.
Disability Sport Fife is fortunate to have an outstanding team of volunteers, peer mentors and committed coaches. No DSF coach is more committed than Pamela Robson from Burntisland and she was recognised in two categories by the Sports Council. Pamela was a runner up in the Coach of the Year section sponsored by Dundas Estates and also in the Service to Sport Award sponsored by SALSC.
The Chairman and President of Disability Sport Fife attended the Awards Evening as guests of Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Sports Council. George McDonald from the Sports Council gave the Vote of Thanks and brought to an end another evening of celebration and success for a massively inclusive Sports Council.
Richard Brickley MBE
President, Disability Sport Fife