Colleen Melville (20) is a Disability Sport Fife athlete and former pupil of Glenrothes HS. Colleen was invited to become a GOGA in Fife peer mentor volunteer but her 2018 timetable at Fife College prevented this happening. On the first week of the 2019 semester Colleen received her timetable and realised she could take up the offer of assisting at the Thursday multi sports session at the Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre. Colleen is a very popular DSF member and the volunteers are over the moon about the new addition. The session has blossomed because of GOGA investment and the peer mentor team is a particular strength.
Colleen is a regular attendee at GOGA supported run, jump and throws on Wednesdays and badminton on Mondays. By regularly attending weekly sessions Colleen believes she is “fitter”, has increased her “circle of friends” and is able to use her leisure time usefully. She hopes in due course to sign up for GOGA swimming sessions because she recognises the value of water competency.
It was Colleen’s carer Frances who approached the GOGA team and encouraged Colleen to register. As well as “having lots of fun” and “improving at different activities”, Colleen believes that being “tired” and sometimes “hot and sweaty” confirms that she is doing something worthwhile. Colleen enjoyed participating in her first local badminton and track and field championships and was pleased with her performances. She has never considered herself a sportswoman but being part of the GOGA in Fife movement has added a whole new meaning to the benefits of being physically active.
Colleen Melville and a number of other young Fife women and girls who have signed up for GOGA sessions are role models for their generation. Colleen’s relationship with her fellow participants is exceptional and she is valued and well liked by session coaches and volunteers. Colleen is exceptionally caring and patient and will contribute so much to the GOGA movement as a volunteer as well as an active participant. GOGA in Fife is proud of the part it is playing in successfully engaging with traditionally hard to reach groups such as teenage girls and women.
Richard Brickley MBE – President Disability Sport Fife