North Berwick tennis star Luke Turnbull played in his first International Tournament from 14th – 22nd July, representing Great Britain at the INAS World and European Tennis Championships in Paris, France. The 15 year old, who has been playing tennis for around 8 years, claimed a Bronze medal in the European doubles and Silver (European) and Bronze (World) in the team events as the INAS World and Europeans Championships run concurrently across the course of the week-long event.
Turnbull, a pupil at North Berwick High School, currently represents North Berwick Men’s 1st Team and St Serf’s U16 and U18 junior teams and is relatively new to the learning disability tennis programme after becoming involved over the last 18 months. The tournament has provided the East Lothian youngster with a great experience at this level and highlighted the work required to push the top players for the podium places in future events, however at 14 years of age he has time on his side.
The International Federation for Athletes with Intellectual Impairments (INAS) supports more than 300,000 of the world’s most talented athletes to compete in a variety of winter and summer sports and organises International competitions such as the World and European Championships. The Tennis Foundation and UK Sports Association (UKSA) carried out selection for the Great Britain team.