Tag: Aberdeen

Two photos next to each other. The photo on the left is a photo of a young girl doing archery. She is facing the target about to release her arrow. The photo on the right is a group photo of children that have participated at the multisport club. They are all smiling and cheering for the photo.

Multisport Clubs Provide Great Opportunities in the Highlands

By William Moncrieff, Communications Apprentice

This year, sportscotland has dedicated April to celebrating sport around Scotland, particularly physical activity in rural areas. To coincide with this theme, it is worth shining a spotlight on SDS member branch, Highland Disability Sport (HDS).

The HDS branch offers three clubs a week, which give participants a chance to take part in a range of new and exciting activities.

“These sessions are vital in allowing us to offer disability specific sessions, as often we do not generate the numbers for sport specific disability sessions across the Highlands. This is a great place for participants to come along and try lots of different sports”, said Fiona Green, HDS’s Development Officer.

Fiona continues to say that these multisport clubs, “play a vital role in providing a safe and welcoming environment for children to come and try sports that they possibly have never tried before or thought could be an option for them”.

In addition, she believes that trying a range of sports is a valuable experience: “I think it is really important for all children to try lots of different sports. Everyone will enjoy or be good at different things, so by trying many [different sports] they have more chance of discovering the one they love”.

The multisport clubs often provide a sense of community and give participants and their guardians an opportunity to meet similar likeminded individuals.

“They are a great place for participants to meet new people and create friendships. It is also a great place to allow parents and carers to talk”.

The multisport clubs play a vital role in giving individuals an introduction into adapted sports. Once participants who attend the clubs have had an introduction into a variety of sports, they can take the skills that they have learnt and look to apply them in a local club.

“The hope is that if individuals come along to the multi sports sessions and find an activity that they like, they will then have the confidence to continue that activity in a sport specific club in their community or come along to the Highland Disability Sport events”, said Fiona.

Alongside the health and social benefits of attending the clubs, there is also chance for personal development to be a focus point.

“We can help to support individuals into community clubs. With some of our older participants we have supported them to become volunteers at the multisport sessions to help other young people get the same enjoyment that they did from the sessions”, Fiona commented.

There are three multisport clubs a week in the Highlands, being held at Dingwall Academy, Inverness Royal Academy and Culloden Leisure Centre.

To register and for more information about these clubs, visit: https://booking.highlifehighland.com

If you are interested about more opportunities for sport around Scotland, please email Scottish Disability Sport on: admin@scottishdisabilitysport.com or call: 0131 317 1130.

Highest Turnout for Mary Duncan Gala

Grampian swimming events appear to have fully recovered post-covid with a record level of entries for the annual Mary Duncan Swimming Gala.

We were delighted to be back at the gala’s home pool – Fraserburgh Community & Sports Centre – where 62 swimmers gave it their all across 53 events.

The event welcomes swimmers of all ages and all disability types from across Grampian and is a qualifying event for the Scottish Disability Sport National Senior Swimming Championships. It was fantastic to see a growing number of clubs from across the region entering their swimmers – in particular, the mainstream clubs which have welcomed swimmers with disabilities into their main squads.

We were delighted to be joined by Michelle Lamont, the daughter of the late Mary Duncan, who the gala has been named in honour of, to present medals to our winning swimmers.

The selection process for the National Championships, where we expect a strong Grampian representation.

Huge thanks goes to Marie Cheyne for arranging the programme and running events on the day, Pauline Stirling for starting the races, and for all the parents, carers, coaches and teachers who got stuck in to help with timekeeping, announcing, marshaling and supporting their swimmers.

If you, or anyone you know, lives with a physical, sensory or learning disability in Grampian or Shetland & is interested in getting involved in sport, please get in touch with Alison on alison.shaw@scottishdisabilitysport.com or 07828 744 848.

Young skier coming down ski slope at ASN snowsports session

YASS Ski Sessions

Youth Additional Support Sport – introducing youngsters with additional support needs to skiing.

Tailored sessions available to learn and improve your skiing.

When: Wednesdays, 1800-1900
Where: Aberdeen Snowsports Centre

Just £5 per person. 5 week block – booking required.

To book call reception on 01224 810 215.

Additional information: Skiing requires active engagement and as such a base level of fitness and motor skills are recommended. If you would like to speak to a member of staff to discuss your requirements please contact program@aberdeensnowsports.com.

Our YASS sessions have qualified support need instructors however any conditions that may affect a learner’s ability to take on information and follow the safety rules should be declared in the client welfare form sent to you at time of booking to ensure suitable support is provided.