Well it turns out yesterday we managed to trick you, as I was taken out on the walk, but completely deflated to hide in one of the campers bags. That was so those pesky green and blue team members were completely thrown of the scent and couldn’t find me. It worked, but we still didn’t win, the green team won, but that’s okay as we still all had an amazing time.
The last day was a bit sad as everyone said their goodbyes, but we do hope we can meet somewhere again in the future. Before all our friends left, we had a lot of fun and games in the undercover area like flying around fast on these wheeled boards, flipping big heavy tyres and building dens. Lots of highland games style fun followed by a scrummy lunch and then lots of goodbyes.
I think all my new friends did have fun as they were always smiling and I am sure will go home to tell tales of their adventures. In the meantime, I am going to go back to flamingoland and see my other friends and tell them all the exciting things I got up to in Aviemore.
Till next time – bye bye from Fiona and Mr M A Scott.
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