SDS Phase 2 Outdoor Sport – Guidance Paper (18 June)
This guidance is being produced to support athletes, participants with a disability, SDS Branches, coaches, volunteers and staff on Phase 2 of the return of outdoor sport and recreation in Scotland.
Although COVID-19 is controlled the risk of spreading it still remains. You should stay at home and limit social contact as much as possible.
Some sporting activities can now be undertaken outdoors, providing all activity is consistent with current Scottish Government guidance on health, physical distancing and hygiene – you will also need to make sure that your club, facility and participants are made aware and can adapt to changes in guidance at short notice. Information on Scottish Governments approach to managing covid-19 is available at Scottish Government Phase 2: Staying safe and protecting others
Should a return to sport be possible for your sport during phase 2 in line with government and your sport specific Scottish Governing Body guidelines. Further guidance will be available from your mainstream Scottish Governing Body to advise you on the implications for your individual sport. For further information on sportscotland and Scottish Governing Bodies general guidance click here
Guidance for coaches, leaders, personal trainers, and instructors is available at Getting your coaches ready for sport.
People who are shielding are permitted to undertake outdoor activities providing strict physical distancing is adhered to.
For the sport of boccia there will be no return to clubs, sessions or any other form of coaching or competition for the foreseeable future due to indoor facilities remaining closed. SDS will publish further updates and guidance as they are announced relating to phases 3 and 4.
IMPORTANT: People who are symptomatic should self-isolate for 7 days; household members for 14 days as per info on NHS guidance. No one who is self-isolating should attend an outdoor sports facility/activity
It must be emphasised that phase 2 guidance does not mean a return to sport but is linked to the extension to exercise in a safe environment. It does not mean a return to competitive sport or taking part in clubs or sessions from an SDS perspective.
Branches clubs, sessions and participants should be aware that the easing of restrictions does not mean that all facilities/venues will open immediately. Owners and operators will require time to consider all the implications of opening facilities/venues and put plans in place to re-engage staff and to set up operations that ensure the safety of participants, staff and volunteers. This is a difficult time for everyone so please be patient.
SDS key messages for the return to outdoor sport in phase 2.
- This guidance relates only to exercise in Scotland
- Limits on the number of participants accessing outdoor facilities should be risk assessed to ensure appropriate social distancing can be maintained. This should take into consideration that at phase 2 you can meet with up to two other households (or extended households) at a time outdoors, and no more than 8 people in total at a time
- Travel restrictions outlined by the Scottish Government should always be adhered to. You can drive within the local area for the purposes of undertaking outdoor exercise and physical activity. As a guide, rather than a fixed limit, broadly 5 miles from your home would be within your local area. Up to date guidance is available at Scottish Government Phase 2: Staying safe and protecting others
- Be kind, friendly and considerate to everyone you meet
- Follow Public Health guidelines for hygiene
- Maintain physical distancing
- Any branch or club activity must be in accordance with the guidelines provided
- Indoor facilities should remain closed to the public including club houses, toilets, locker rooms, storage and activity areas.
- Exercise well within your capabilities
- Venues and clubs may re-open all outdoor sports areas, courts and pitches from the 29 June 2020 if documented risk assessments are undertaken and all appropriate measures are put in place to ensure the safety of participants, staff and volunteers. Indoor areas remain closed.
Although COVID-19 is controlled the risk of spreading it still remains. You should stay at home and limit social contact as much as possible. Click here to view he Scottish Government Scotland’s Route Map Through and Out of the Crisis.
Our priority remains to protect the health of our coaches, volunteers, athletes, participant, staff and the wider community and help to suppress the spread of the Covid-19 virus. We should all continue to follow the government’s and public health guidelines and stay at home as much as possible.
Information on Scottish Governments approach to managing covid-19 is available here.
People who are shielding should not visit venues or undertake activities. People who are symptomatic should self-isolate for 7 days; household members for 14 days as per info on NHS guidance. No one who is self-isolating should attend any outdoor sports facility/activity.
For further guidance on the phased 2: Extension to Exercise, Outdoor Sport Guidance click here