The 57th Annual General Meeting of Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) was held on Sunday 27th September and for the first time in the Association’s history, the event was held wholly online. The COVID-19 restrictions meant that instead of gathering face to face in Stirling as usual, attendees logged in on Zoom and Facebook Live to follow proceedings. Almost 80 members, athletes and players, friends and representatives from partner agencies signed in to follow the AGM business and celebrate the successes of athletes, coaches and volunteers during 2019/2020.
The official welcome was delivered by SDS Chair, Catherine Goodfellow who stepped into this position at last year’s AGM following the tragic and untimely passing of previous Chair, Janice Eaglesham MBE. The election of post holders and directors of the Association resulted in the following individuals being elected to post for a 3 year period:
- Chair: Catherine Goodfellow
- Finance Director: Paul Queen
- Directors: Lori Ure, Colette Martin
CEO Gavin Macleod reported to the audience on progress and key successes during 2029/2020 and on the proposed structure for the new SDS strategic plan that will lead the work of the Association from 2021-2029.
The annual SDS Awards to athletes, coaches and volunteers were then conducted. The main award of the afternoon, the Gordon Brown Memorial trophy for the Athlete’s Athlete of the Year, was awarded to tennis player Dominic Iannotti. SDS was also delighted to announce the inaugural awarding of the Janice Eaglesham Trophy for the club of the year to Fife Athletic Club. This award was introduced in memory of formed SDS Chair Janice Eaglesham MBE and generously donated by Caroline Johnstone and Neil’s Wheels.
The afternoon concluded with the closing remarks being delivered by Paralympian David McCrae, all the way from Maryland, USA. David delivered an inspiring and entertaining talk on his involvement with SDS and his journey through life and sport. It was fitting to have such a motivational friend and advocate of SDS as David to bring the 57th AGM to a conclusion.
Click here for a copy of the SDS Annual Report 2019-2020.
Click here for a copy of the slides from the SDS AGM of 2020.
- Boccia Coach Advance Award: Andrinne Craig, Lewis McConnell, Peter McGuire, Jennifer Barsby
- MOR Reaccreditation: Dumfries & Galloway Disability Sport, Perth & Kinross Disability Sport, South Lanarkshire Disability Sport
- Russell Hogg Bursary: Samantha Gough, Gemma Lumsdaine, Michael Kear
- Special Recognition Award: Dr Elizabeth Ferris
- Special Olympics Trophy: Special Olympics Grampian National Winter Games Organising Committee
- Dedication to Football Award: Willie Pettigrew
- John de Courcy Trophy: Meggan Dawson-Farrell
- Glasgow Trophy: Ian Dunn
- Elspeth Watson Trophy: Robin Walker
- Russell Hogg Trophy: John D’Ambrosio
- Fife Trophy: Jamie Bowie
- Janice Eaglesham Trophy: Fife Athletic Club
- Findlay Calder Trophy: Maria Lyle
- Brian Dolan Memorial Trophy: Toni Shaw
- Angus Trophy: Gordon Reid MBE
- Gordon Brown Memorial Trophy: Dominic Iannotti