Glasgow Disability Sport and Scottish Disability Sport would like to invite participants with disabilities to take part in our Get into Summer Programme –  at Glasgow Club Kelvin Hall. The sports that we have on offer are:
- 3rd August with Athletics that will be led by Red Star Athletics Club
- 4th August with Basketball that will be led by City of Glasgow Basketball Club
- 5th August with Football that will be led by Glasgow Disability Sport coaches
- 6th August with Boccia that will be lead by Glasgow Disability Sport coaches
To take part in the programme participants MUST sign up to the event. Please do not turn up to the venue without confirming your attendance through our registration process. To book your place please click here.
There will be 15 spaces for each group for each day – Â Physical, Sensory (visual & hearing) and Learning Disabilities.
The timings of the day will be:
- 10am- 12:30pm- Physical and Sensory Disabilities
- 1pm- 3:30pm- Learning Disabilities
This will be open for juniors aged 5-17 years old.
There will be equipment available on the day, however it would be helpful if you let us know if you already use equipment such as wheelchair, walking frame etc. This will help the organisers be prepared to give you the best experience possible. Also if you are supporting the participant during the session please let Nancy Peters and Andrew MacKenzie know on:
nancy.peters@glasgowdisabilitysport.org – 07714989708
andrew.mackenzie@scottishdisabilitysport.com – 07496306249
COVID restrictions will be applied at the event which will depend on the tier we will be in. Information about this will be sent out to you prior to the event on access to the venue and to follow the guidelines.