The Provost of Fife, Councillor Jim Leishman MBE, hosted a Civic Reception at the Town House in Kirkcaldy to recognise a number of individuals and agencies for the contribution they make to the local Fife community.
Disability Sport Fife (DSF) was one of the organisations recognised on the night for 40 years of service to children, young people and adults with a physical, sensory or learning disability.
DSF was proudly represented on the night by 2016 Rio Paralympians Alison Patrick, Derek Rae and Kieran Steer plus coaches Ron Morrison (Fife AC) and Claire Morrison (GB Boccia) who coach Derek and Kieran. Also representing the coaching/volunteering fraternity were Jenn Mann (Enigma Gymnastics Club), Cat Spencer and Jack Peasgood. Paul Noble MBE Chairman and Richard Brickley MBE President rounded of the team of invited DSF guests.
DSF representatives were enormously proud to be part of such a memorable occasion. During his time with Livingston FC, Jim Leishman was a massive supporter of disability sport in Scotland and five years ago when he became the Provost of Fife, he immediately took more than a passing interest in DSF. The Provost has attended every DSF Awards Evening but one since taking office and presented medals at a number of DSF events. The Depute Provost, Councillor Kay Morrison, similarly has been an enthusiastic supporter of DSF. Through the Mary Leishman Foundation, individual DSF have members have received significant levels of financial support.
The Provost is due to stand down at the forthcoming elections and he will be greatly missed by all of us in DSF. Thank you Provost for your interest in DSF members and for this very special award to DSF members past and present.
Richard Brickley MBE – President Disability Sport Fife