Our workshops support instructors and coaches to ensure deaf young people are fully included in aquatic activities.
Instructors and coaches will learn how to make small and simple changes to make activities deaf-friendly and develop confidence communicating with deaf children and young people.
Instructors will also learn basic British Sign Language and watersport specific signs.
The training will cover:
- The impact of deafness on young people
- Communication methods
- How to adapt your activities
- Tips for welcoming deaf children
- Guidance on engaging with deaf children in your area
- Fingerspelling
- BSL specific to watersports
Date: Sunday 12 May 2019
Time: 10.30am – 1.30pm
Venue: Dewars Centre, Perth PH2 0TH
Cost: Free (cancellation charge of £35)
How to book: online here: https://acquaticsworkshopperth.eventbrite.co.uk
Further info: Eleanor Connelly, swimming@ndcs.org.uk / 0141 354 7850