Category: A News

We are all committed to regular walking – are you?

During the life of GOGA in Fife supported by Spirit of 2012, this group of DSF members became committed to regular walking. They also committed to using their pedometers, sometimes walking poles and most importantly recorded their daily totals.

Thank you to Active Fife and Bums off Seats specifically plus Paths for All for helping GOGA in Fife with the walking initiative. Walking is very firmly on the Disability Sport Fife programme now and after lockdown we shall be organising another series of GOGA Walks in the Park that were such a success last year.

During lockdown please try to walk whenever you can. No need to travel far to have a walk but remember the rules of social distancing. Stay home, stay safe but stay active.

Richard brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees

Young Fife athlete staying home and staying active

DSF athletics coach Pamela Robson heard yesterday from young Dylan Hassan’s grandad and mum that Dylan is over the moon with his new KMX trike. He has not stopped smiling since it arrived and he is determined he is going to be active and often. The whole family is having such fun.

Dylan is a member of the Thursday DSF run, jump and throws session for juniors at Pitreavie Athletics Centre supported by Fife Sports and Leisure Gym. GOGA in Fife supported by Spirit of 2012 identified adapted cycling as one of its core active recreation sessions. With brilliant facilities like Lochore Meadows Country Park and Fife Cycle Park plus Fife’s amazing parks there are plenty of settings to push and pedal. Kirsty Brunton and Ken De Soyza have been leading the way in encouraging recumbent cycling for several years now.

Best wishes Dylan with your new “mean machine”. We look forward to seeing you in action on video at some time in the future. Dylan is yet another Fife youngster to share a good news story about being active in Fife during lockdown. The family are of course staying safe at all times.

Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of charity Trustees

Paddling experience never to be forgotten

Last year Disability Sport Fife was honoured to be involved in an inclusive paddling project at Lochore Meadows Country Park. Our partners were Fife Canoe Activities Group FCAG, Scottish Canoe Association, Scottish Disability Sport and of course Lochore Meadows Country Park. The aim was to create a video that promoted inclusive paddling and that video has now been viewed extensively and hopefully will encourage disabled participants of all abilities to take to the water.

Four Disability Sport Fife members were key to the success of the video and promoting the case for inclusive paddling. Lara Ferguson, Kirsty Brunton, Carter Taylor and Graham McIntyre were the DSF stars of the project. All progressed significantly as a result of the training sessions on the water at the Meadows. FCAG club members could not have been any more patient, innovative, skilled and receptive to the objectives of the project. The video will hopefully inspire others to approach the club and head for the Meadows after lock down. Being outdoors on the water in the Kingdom is very special. On our doorstep we have some of the best and most welcoming facilities on the planet.

Inclusive paddling is here to stay in Fife and the Fife Canoe Activities Group is leading the way with the Scottish Canoe Association.

Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees

UK Coaching Chief Execs Praise Nation’s Coaches

Sport England and UK Coaching chief execs praise the nation’s coaches for keeping communities active during coronavirus lockdown

  • Sport England CEO Tim Hollingsworth and UK Coaching CEO Mark Gannon joined together for a podcast to give their thoughts on the situation from a coaching perspective
  • Innovative coaching practice has kept the nation active during unprecedented social restrictions

The coaching community has been identified as playing an important role in keeping communities active, as the nation adjusts to the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Tim Hollingsworth, Chief Executive Officer at Sport England has praised the innovative approach to online coaching many coaches have taken during the UK’s coronavirus lockdown, and believes that they have a vital role to play in driving community activity as restrictions are lifted.

Hollingsworth, said: “Coaches are key workers for the sports and physical activity industry. My job takes me around the country to see projects and I am always slightly in awe of the work coaches do. The quality of what I see in front of me leaves me taken-aback because it’s a very different skill set from that which I possess. That ability to make the session real and meaningful – and also to provide improvement in a technical sense – will be absolutely critical for us moving forwards.

“There is a vital need for us to think more in our strategy about the role of people in supporting our desire to make sport and physical activity have a purpose for society, and have a purpose for everyone in their individual lives.”

Hollingsworth was speaking in conversation with his UK Coaching counterpart, Mark Gannon, in a new podcast which has been released today (21 May) on

The wide-ranging conversation, which has been released during Mental Health Awareness Week, examined the need for inspirational people in communities to drive increased activity; how the pandemic has brought into focus the way in which people can be supported; and the challenges that people may face as society moves forward.

Mark Gannon, Chief Executive Officer at UK Coaching, said: “Coaching is about people and great coaching is people-focused. One of the things we are very aware of is what will have happened to people during this period of restriction owing to coronavirus. There will be health and well-being issues and, as a result, we have worked with Sport England and Mind to make available mental health and well-being training for all of the coaching workforce – free of charge. This will upskill the coaching community to better deal with and recognise the signs of someone who has, perhaps, struggled through this period and may be struggling to reengage.”

#GiveItaGo – Watch this Space!

Scottish Disability Sport invites you to take part in our weekly challenges, to have fun and get active with your family using our activity cards which are posted on the website. The purpose is to challenge individuals, family and friends to give it a go over an 8week period using a different card each week. 

Click here to see the Inclusive Activity Cards we will be using 

The key aim is to develop and improve skills through using a different card each week.  How many weeks can you be involved and who will have the most points at the end 

A maximum of 10 points can be gained each week for submitting your videos. Extra bonus points will be awarded for creativity, for example dress up costumes (Disney character, superhero, sports star), equipment or a themed activity.  The owner of the most creative video each week will receive a £10 Amazon voucher.

Challenges will go out each Monday afternoon and you have until Sunday at 6pm to send us your video to show us your skills and how you had fun completing the challenge.  

You can adapt the activity in any way you want using any available equipment. The more creative you are, and the more fun you have, the better. Everyone who sends in a video will appear in the weekly roundup celebrating your amazing efforts. We are excited to see your videos with your great ideas.   

To be part of the #GiveItaGO challenge please register here. Registered participants will receive a certificate at the end of the challenge.  If you would like any further information please contact us on 0131 317 1130 or


Week commencing  Activity 
Monday 25th May  Snake Slalom  
Monday 1st June  Speed Ladder 
Monday 8th  June  Balloon Keepie Up 
Monday 15th  June  Ball Familiarisation  
Monday 22nd  June  Target Golf 
Monday 29th June  Beanbag skittles 
Monday 6th July  Obstacle Relay 
Monday 13th July   Tee Strike 


SDS Covid-19 Update

SDS has taken advice and guidance from Scottish Government, Active Scotland, sportscotland and partner Scottish Governing Bodies of Sport in relation to a potential return to sport in Scotland. SDS also took into consideration the unique position of many disabled participants and athletes. At the forefront of our thoughts at all times was the safety and best interests of these athletes and players moving forwards.

Our aim was to provide SDS Branches and sports clubs with clarity and direction in relation to their planning whilst also ensuring the overall safety of participants and athletes. The following statements have been prepared for both National Events and the planned return to sport:

National Events

SDS has taken the decision that all national events including engagement days, para-sport festivals and national championships are to be cancelled for the remainder of 2020. All education and training sessions will take place online where possible with a further review for confirmed November dates in September. Any proposed conferences for the remainder of the year, including the AGM and Branch Conference may take place virtually with a decision made at the SDS Board Meeting in June. In September, a full review of the feasibility of events scheduled in early 2021 will take place. As this is an extremely fluid situation with an ever-changing landscape a return to activity will be continually reviewed on a case by case basis in light of the different demands on the various activities. As a multi-sport organisation advice from sportscotland, the sport-specific governing bodies, Active Scotland and the Scottish Government will continue to be considered. This decision is to provide clarity for branches and clubs to allow them to communicate effectively with their members.

Return to sport

The return of regional and national squad training will be considered on a case by case basis depending on the nature of the sport, the environment and the underlying health conditions of the athletes. Guidance and advice from sportscotland the sport-specific governing bodies, Active Scotland and the Scottish Government will also be considered. SDS will provide ongoing support and guidance on the return to sport in Scotland. It is a rapidly changing environment and SDS will endeavour to keep you up to date throughout.

If you have any queries please feel free to get in touch on 0131 317 1130 or

GUWHC climb 5 of the World’s Tallest Buildings for SDS

Glasgow University Women’s Hockey Club (GUWHC) have recently completed the mammoth undertaking of climbing five of the world’s tallest buildings to raise funds for Scottish Disability Sport (SDS). The sponsorship event involved a team of 36 students take on the challenge over five days using the step machines in the university gym.

The students climbed the equivalent of 592 floors (that’s 10,064 steps) as follows:

  • Day 1: The Shard (96 floors)
  • Day 2: Empire State Building (102 floors)
  • Day 3: One World Trade Centre (104 floors)
  • Day 4: Shanghai Tower (127 floors)
  • Day 5: Burj Khalifa (163 floors – the tallest building in the world!)

At the end of the challenge, GUWHC had raised a whopping £2,837.21 to support the work of SDS.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of GUWHC for this fantastic fundraising effort and for raising much needed funds to support disability sport in Scotland.

LDS Archery Expert Takes on Charity Walk

Long-time Lothian Disability Sport (LDS) Archery Co-ordinator, Coach and enthusiast Richard Vallis is looking to raise funds for LDS and two other charities close to his heart.

Richard has been involved with LDS for over 25 years and has coached countless athletes with a disability while also mentoring many coaches along the way!

Richard, who is himself an above the hip amputee, aims to walk 100 laps of his garden which equates to around 6km and will keep him extremely active during lockdown!

You can show your support towards Richard’s effort by following the link to his Crowdfunder page below.

If you are interested in becoming involved with Lothian Disability Sport as an athlete, coach, volunteer or committee member then please contact LDS Officer Jack Brodie on or 07885 549 173.

Glasgow Wheelchair Tennis Starlet selected for LTA Support Programme

A promising young tennis player from Baillieston, Glasgow, has been selected for the LTA’s top support programme for junior wheelchair players.

Robertson, 15, is one of 12 high potential players chosen for the LTA Wheelchair National Age Group Programme (NAGP), which provides a variety of coaching, competition and educational support.

The programme is designed to educate and develop players as they transition through the LTA’s World Class Wheelchair Tennis Performance Pathway, allowing them to be best prepared to become elite international athletes.

As part of the NAGP, Robertson will have access to training and tournament guidance from LTA coaches, training camps, home training visits from LTA coaches and support to maintain a sport/life balance.

Robertson began playing wheelchair tennis at Scotstoun Leisure Centre in Glasgow when she was 11 and in normal circumstances she would still attend weekly wheelchair tennis sessions at Scoutstoun. However, webinars organised by the LTA have been an important part of her routine during lockdown

She is a three-time Scottish junior champion and in 2018 won the junior doubles title at the LTA’s British Open Wheelchair Tennis Championships with fellow Scot Ruari Logan.

Players who continue to show high potential at the end of their NAGP support will advance to the next stage of the pathway, the World Class Wheelchair Tennis Performance Programme, which currently supports multiple Grand Slam champions Gordon Reid, Alfie Hewett, Jordanne Whiley and Andy Lapthorne.

Rob Cross, LTA Wheelchair Performance Head Coach, said: “I would like to congratulate Ellie on her selection for the NAGP this year. She has shown great potential and now has access to a fantastic package of support which will hopefully allow her to develop even further, both as a player and a person. While we have a track record of producing high performing wheelchair tennis players in this country, the standards of the sport across the world continue to advance and this programme is designed to help us stay ahead of the pack and maximise the potential of our best players. The LTA World Class Wheelchair Tennis Performance Pathway provides a seamless route for our highest potential players to progress from junior competition to playing major tournaments. I wish Ellie and the other players selected for the NAGP every success as they continue their journey this year.”

Robertson said: “I am delighted about being picked for the NAGP, I am aware of the work and commitment that being part of this group will ​involve and will give 100 per cent dedication to it. I am really excited to be part of the group and look forward to the opportunities it will bring.”

For more information about the LTA Player Pathway and ten-year Performance Strategy, visit

South Lanarkshire Disability Sport – nominations have re-opened!

2019 Sports Performer Awards:

For a limited time, South Lanarkshire Disability Sport are once again welcoming nominations for the 2019 Sports Performer of the Year Awards.

This is a great opportunity to recognise the sporting achievements of 2019 and if you missed out first time round you can submit a nomination by clicking the link below.

All applications already received will be considered and there is no need to reapply.

Good luck to all nominees.

South Lanarkshire Disability Sports – Sports Performer and Team of the Year 2019 nomination form

*Closing date for online entry will be Monday the 18th May 2020 and winners will be announced on Monday the 25th May 2020.