Ayrshire Sportsability Chair and Trustee Positions

Ayrshire Sportsability (ASA) was created to promote the education and welfare of children with physical, sensory or learning disabilities through sport. The Charity was set up in 2001 when it was discovered that children and young people with disabilities did not have the same opportunities as others to take part in physical activity and sport. In 2014, our remit was extended to cover both children and adults with disabilities. ASA provides sports events for adults and children throughout the year, raising funds for all its activities.

ASA is governed by the Board made up of Trustees and of Specialist Advisors from our partner organisations, all who have a special interest in improving disability sport. Board members have a collective responsibility for setting the strategic direction and development of the charity, whilst ensuring sound governance and best value at all times. ASA is required to comply with Scottish Charities Act as well as other relevant legislations. Board members have responsibility for ensuring that the activities are carried out in accordance with these requirements and the ASA Constitution.

Ayrshire Sportsability wishes to recruit a Chair and Trustees. Details of these posts can be found in the attached documents.

Ayrshire Sportsability Executive Chair Role Description and Person Specification

2019 Trustee Role Person Specification Application Form