In 2009 ASA introduced awards to promote and applaud local achievements in sports for people with a disability in Ayrshire and Arran. This years winners will be announced at our annual Charity Ball on Saturday 21st March 2020 at the Princess Royal Suite, Ayr Racecourse.
 Ayrshire Sportsability Award Categories
Young Athlete of the Year Award sponsored by University of the West of Scotland  —This award is for a student who has displayed exceptional qualities in disability sport (The young person must have been 18 or under at the time of participation) The deciding criteria will be: Dedication, Effort, Significant achievements in medals/trophies.
Athlete of the Year Award —This award is for an athlete who has displayed exceptional qualities in disability sport (over 18 at the time of participation) The deciding criteria will be: Dedication, Effort, Significant achievements in medals/trophies
Most Active School Award —This award is made to a school in Ayrshire or an individual within a school who has promoted a new initiative for children and young people with a disability: Criteria will include Inclusion and Innovation
Activity in the Community Award sponsored by Vibrant Communities East Ayrshire —This award is for a club that has made a difference over the year in delivering sports to people with a disability. This award recognises the skill, experience and devotion that exist in disability sport.
Disability Sports Coach of the Year sponsored by Ayrshire College   – This award is for a coach who has made a difference in delivering disability sports to people with a disability.
The Award will be decided using the following criteria: Continual professional development, Helping others achieve their goals, Club/Individual Achievements.