Scottish Target Shooting is pleased to announce that applications for the 2021-22 Performance Programme will be opening on Sunday 1st August 2021.
We are keen to make sure that no one misses out on this opportunity so please remember:
Applications are open to non-STS members (although STS membership must be taken out if accepted on to the programme);
Our programme is fully inclusive so we welcome applications from all athletes, including para athletes; and
We are also considering applications for Talent Transfer from athletes currently competing in non-Olympic/Paralympic disciplines or events so if you are a talented athlete in a non-ISSF discipline, we still want to hear from you.
Athletes interested in being part of the programme and feel they meet the requirements (available from the Getting Selected page, link provided below), should complete the application form, available here or from the ‘Getting Selected’ page on the STS website. Please be aware that applications will close just before midnight on Tuesday 31st August and late applications will not be accepted.
Full information is on the Scottish Target Shooting website here: http://www.scottishtargetshooting.co.uk/sts-news/2021/7/29/inspired-by-tokyo-read-how-to-apply-for-the-2021-22-sts-performance-programme