Month: February 2025

Group of young people making silly faces and smiling to the camera

Young Persons’ Sport Panel Residential 2025

Saturday the 8th of February saw the return of the annual Scottish Disability Sport Young Persons’ Sport Panel Residential! This year being held at the sportscotland National Sports Training Centre Inverclyde in Largs.  Nine of our panel members travelled from all over Scotland to attend and we were delighted to be joined by four members of the Young Start Programme too.  

The weekend kicked off with an overview of our busy schedule from Alison, followed up swiftly with a Social Media refresher from mentor, Ross. Then we jumped right into an amazing dance session, delivered by Scottish Youth Dance. This involved some hilarious partner choreography, and we all managed to get stuck in with learning a brand new dance to some great music. Afterwards we got to check into our rooms before we headed down to Largs Beachfront for a quick walk and wheel before dinner at Tony Macaroni’s, which just had to be followed by some delicious ice cream from the famous Nardini’s!!  

When we got back to the centre it was straight into the Gymnastics Hall for a very active evening session of Trampoline, Gymnastics and a lot of fun! Everyone had a go and most ended up in the foam pit at some point. In case that wasn’t enough, some of us stayed up late to round the night off with some board games.  

Sunday morning, we were back at it all again, recapping yesterday’s events after getting a quick breakfast in at the centre. Hollie delivered a session on LGBTIQ+ Inclusion on behalf of LEAP Sports Scotland which ignited some incredibly interesting conversations around intersectional barriers to sport. Then we headed along to the studio for a Boccia session, expertly led by our very own Boccia Leaders: Charlotte, Grace and Layla. We were so excited to have Aileen Neilson, Paralympic Curler and ambassador for the YPSP programme, along to join us for this and some great chat over lunch afterwards. Our penultimate session of the day was led by Events Administrator Charlotte, where we got the ball rolling on our plans for the upcoming SDS National Exhibition Event on June 14th at Stirling University. 

Our last session was a new, updated, delivery of the Disability, Identity and Sport workshop led by Charlotte, Grace and Ross. We all contributed some great feedback to keep the course updated and interesting and it was so nice to have time to discuss all the benefits we have found from being on the panel and broadening our sense of community. We wrapped up the weekend with a team picture to celebrate before we got packed into the cars and drove off, homeward bound! 

We would love to thank our mentors Caitlyn and Ross for their continued support throughout the weekend, as well as our accompanying SDS Staff members Kathryn, Hollie, and of course, Alison – who we cannot believe has already started planning the residential for 2026! See you next year everyone!  


Charlie’s Experience –  

Hi, my name is Charlie and I’m a wheelchair user.  

I play wheelchair badminton and am a part of the SDS Young Start programme. As a part of this programme, I got the opportunity to go on a residential weekend with the brilliant people on the SDS YPSP to the Inverclyde national sports training centre, before going on this residential I was quite nervous as it was my first time away from home overnight without either of my parents. I also felt nervous because of the fact I didn’t know many of the other people attending the residential and I am usually not the most talkative and confident person. 

It turned out that there was absolutely nothing to worry about as everyone at the residential was lovely and so welcoming that I felt like I fit right in and almost like I already knew them with how easily I found talking and having fun with them. 

I got the chance to do some amazing things there such as learning an entire dance routine which beforehand I wasn’t sure about but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I got to hang out with everyone else inside the gymnastics hall which was a highlight for me as getting to just chill and have fun with new people and other people like me was amazingly refreshing. I feel like I have gained a great load of independence and especially confidence from my short time on the residential and I feel I have made some great friends and connections within disability sport. I will always be thankful for this opportunity and will always look back on the great memories I made with happiness. 

Group of young people making silly faces and smiling to the camera

Three young girls sitting on chairs playing boccia. The girl in the middle is about to throw the boccia ball, whilst the other two are watching.

Women and Girls in Boccia Day 2025

By Charlotte, Events Administrator

A fantastic day of boccia was held on Saturday 8th February 2025 at UHI Perth which saw 23 individuals from Dumfries and Galloway all the way up to Aberdeen attending to participate in a fun and positive environment! The Women and Girls in Boccia day aims to encourage any women and girls with a physical or learning disability into the sport, so they can become more active, have fun and socialise. There is also the opportunity to partake in local and national competitions if they wish to progress further in the sport.

The event was coached and supported by women coaches and officials with three guest speakers. The day consisted of lots of fun skills and drills, and this was a good opportunity to network with other female boccia players and officials about their journey into boccia.

We were fortunate enough to be joined on the day by an expert panel for a question-and-answer session. The 3-person strong panel consisted of Claire Morrison, Sam Thomson and Charlotte Medley. Boccia UK coach Claire has a wealth of experience within the sport and recently coached leading Scottish athlete Kayleigh Brown to a Paralympic quarter-final despite Kayleigh only competing in the sport for 3 years. Meanwhile Sam Thomson has become one of the UK’s leading boccia officials regular attending competitions all over the country to support the competitions pathway at all levels. Finally, Charlotte Medley shared her range of experiences as a sibling-turned volunteer coach and official. All 3 shared their stories of their involvement in boccia, and different opportunities that boccia has provided for them. The main discussion highlighted that boccia becomes like a family where you are supported by others no matter who you are or where you are on your boccia journey. Boccia is a family and when you are taking part in boccia you are not someone’s sister, wife or daughter but you are your OWN PERSON.

3 women standing in a line in front of a Shepard and SDS pop up banner. Talking about their experience in boccia

After the question-and-answer session we moved onto games of boccia, during this some of our participants gave officiating a game of boccia a go and wow they were good!

We would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to our event sponsor Shepard Charted Surveyors. This day would not have been possible without their generous support. Thank you to all the players and volunteers who attended this event, we can’t wait to see everyone in our boccia community again soon.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to SDS if you would like to find out more about getting involved and trying boccia. Email:

Ling Mann holding and presenting a blue paddle to players, as she scores a boccia game.

Ling Mann Enjoying the Social Aspects of Boccia  

By William Moncrieff, Communications Coordinator 

Ling Mann has been involved in boccia for over fifteen years. One of her favorite elements of the sport is how social it can be and the way that the sport brings all of the boccia community together. 

Ling has noticed the social side of the sport come to fruition in the past few years as the club she leads (Dumfries and Galloway boccia club) has grown. Ling explained this: “They are that keen to be together, whenever I put out information about a boccia competition, they respond and it is filled up within one or two hours. They all just love going away.”  

“We are right down here at the bottom of Scotland and we travel all the way up to Aberdeen, Perth and Dundee.” 

Along with training, playing and travelling, Ling and the rest of the club are finding new ways to socialise outside of the sport. “Next weekend we are all going ten pin bowling down in Carlisle. We have 54 athletes, parents and carers all going ten pin bowling together.” 

“We just love the social side.” 

The social boccia club is proving to also have an impact on the wider community. “It’s not just the athletes that love going out and showing off their sport, it’s the parents and carers as well. One of our athletes’ grandparents are making paddles and calipers for us.” 

Ling first started coaching boccia after attending a Boccia Leaders Course, as she wanted to get the local disability group in Dumfries and Galloway involved in the sport.    

Boccia is a very inclusive sport, “everyone can play it”, said Ling.  

“I always encourage my parents, carers, whoever comes along to play alongside us, just so they know what it feels like.”  

“I feel it’s very inclusive and everyone that I’ve taught, loves it.” 

Ling is now a qualified referee in boccia and even this role proves to be very sociable, commenting: “The refereeing group have become a family as well.”  

“When we meet up, it’s always about how good it is to see each other and that the ‘family’ is back together.” 

She continued to say, “we are all going over to Ireland in March to referee. There is seven of us going over from Scotland.” 

Outside of the social elements of the sport, Ling gets great pleasure from seeing participants develop. She said: “Winning medals is great but seeing them [players] achieve things is great.” 

“It’s about seeing people come in to participate and knowing that it is fun for everyone.” 

side photo of Ling Mann smiling.

Although Ling is travelling over to Ireland this year, it is not the first time sport has provided her with opportunities to travel as part of a team. “I even got over to Abu Dhabi for the Special Olympics. that was for bocce, but I got there through boccia [as part of the support team]. I would not have got over there to represent Great Britain if it wasn’t for boccia. 

If you would like to attend Dumfries and Galloway Boccia club to gain all of the social benefits, contact Dianne Campbell (the Regional Development Manager for that area).    

If you stay outside of Dumfries and Galloway, you can find out what boccia opportunities are available in your local area, by contacting your Regional Development Manager

Make sure to stay up to date on all opportunities throughout Scotland, by following Scottish Disability Sport on Facebook, X and Instagram, as well as on the SDS website

Poster that says, SDS Language and Terminology Paper, with a faint photo in the background of Stephen McGuire playing boccia at the 2024 Paralympics

SDS Language and Terminology Paper

This paper offers advice on language and terminology for SDS personnel and partners. It is designed to encourage those responsible for organising or delivering Scottish national events, festivals, courses, or training to adopt best practices and consistency of language and terminology. The desired outcome of this paper is for SDS personnel and partners to introduce appropriate and modern, participant-friendly language and terminology. Most importantly, they will lead by example and, if necessary, question their use of language and terminology to ensure it is appropriate and respectful.  

SDS fully endorses the social model of inclusion across all aspects of Scottish society, including sport. In addition, a complementary ability-focused (functional) model is adopted in a sporting context to ensure meaningful inclusion for all participants and athletes with disabilities. 

You can view SDS’ Language and Terminology Paper, here.

Photo of Farn sitting in a wheelchair with his arms raised, flexing his bicep muscles to the camera. 

From Parasport Festival to Representing Scotland: Farn’s Journey

By William Moncrieff, Communications Coordinator 

The Impact of the Parasport Festivals: from trying a sport for the first time to performing on the national stage, the Parasport effect. 

Just five months after trying wheelchair basketball for the first time at a SDS Parasport Festival, Farn Surgenor found himself competing on the basketball court for Scotland U14’s wheelchair basketball squad. 

August 2024, Farn Surgenor (13 years-old, from Glasgow) was selected to compete in the final of British Wheelchair Basketball’s National Junior Championships 2024.  

The U14’s squad put in a valiant effort, which saw them finishing in second place, heading home from the University of Worcester Arena with a sense of pride and a silver medal, just to top the week off. Farn described the opportunity as being: “really fun. It was nice just playing with a team as well.”  

Farn first tried wheelchair basketball at the West of Scotland Parasport Festival. Farn went along to the Parasport Festival after it was recommended to him by a doctor. The festival provides young school children with fantastic opportunities to take part in a range of fun, inclusive and engaging activities that are delivered by some of the best coaches and clubs in the region. 

One sport that was there and provided a meaningful impact for all participants was basketball, delivered by Tina Gordon from basketballscotland. Fraser Kennedy, the West of Scotland Regional Development Manager, explained that individuals attending like Tina Gordon, help to ensure that there are opportunities for regular involvement in physical activity after the festival. 

“I think it’s really important to have sports where there are local opportunities and pathways to progress after the Parasport [festival] so that we can engage young people in sustained, regular activity in the community but also providing opportunities to progress through a performance pathway,” said Fraser. 

Tina Gordon was part of the delivery team that introduced Farn to wheelchair basketball at the festival and he proved to be a natural player.  

“I found it quite easy, as when I was younger, I had a wheelchair and I was used to using it. I also used to play basketball when I was younger as well,” Farn explained.  

He continued to say, “I just feel chuffed” and, “I really liked the social aspect of it.” 

Going into the festival, Farn was not aware of wheelchair basketball and the endless amount of opportunities that it can provide. “I didn’t know it was a thing up until then,” he said. The fact that Farn wasn’t aware of the sport is one of Fraser’s favorite aspects of the day. Fraser added, “My favorite thing about the Parasport festivals is seeing children getting the opportunity to try new sports they might have never have seen or tried before.”  

Following on from the festival, Farn started to attend training with Lothian Pheonix. This training has helped Farn continue to develop in the sport, commenting: “It was quite fun, I was learning quite fast as well.” 

Hopefully, Farn will continue to develop in the sport and have more opportunities to represent Scotland. 

To be just like Farn and to find your passion for physical activity and sport throughout your region, contact your Regional Development Manager. If you have enjoyed reading about the Parasport festivals, make sure to have a look at the SDS website, with registration now being open for the 2025 Parasport festivals. 

Make sure to stay up to date on all opportunities throughout Scotland, by following Scottish Disability Sport on Facebook, Instagram and X, as well as on the SDS website

Two girls practicing Para judo at a SDS Parasport festival. The SDS and Motability Scheme composite logo is found in the bottom right corner

Renewed Partnership to Boost Disability Sport in Scotland

The Motability Scheme and Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) will now work side by side after strengthening their partnership, to expand sporting opportunities for people with a disability across Scotland.

SDS has relocated its operations to Forthstone, Edinburgh, where it will work alongside Motability Operations, the organisation that runs the Motability Scheme. The move marks the beginning of a renewed partnership agreement to help break down barriers to participation in sport for people with a disability.

As part of the agreement, the Motability Scheme will sponsor a range of SDS’s
initiatives in 2025, including:

  • Education and Training opportunities for schools, universities and volunteers & coaches across Scotland.
  • Ten Parasport festivals, scheduled later this year, offering young people with a disability the chance to try a variety of sports in a fun, inclusive, and supportive environment.
  • SDS’s National Exhibition event, which is taking place at the University of Stirling on Saturday 14 June this year.

These events open up life-changing opportunities to participants, both young and old, by helping to build their confidence and connecting them with peers who share similar experiences and show that it is never too late to engage in activity and move a little more every day.

By combining resources and expertise, Motability Operations and SDS are committed to increasing awareness of the opportunities offered by both organisations. Their partnership will spotlight the transformative impact of the Motability Scheme in improving mobility for its customers while encouraging greater participation in disability sport across Scotland.

Gavin Thomson, Chief Operating Officer and Managing Director Scotland Motability Operations said: “Sport has the power to break down barriers and open up new possibilities for everyone. Our partnership with SDS reflects our shared commitment to improving access to sport and mobility. Our ambition is to ensure that people with disabilities in Scotland have the opportunity to live healthy and active lives, and to strive for sporting greatness.”

Through their new base at Forthstone, SDS will have access to shared facilities, including meeting spaces, as well as the opportunity for increased collaboration with the Motability Operations team, strengthening their ability to deliver impactful programmes.

Gavin MacLeod, CEO of Scottish Disability Sport said: “Our partnership with Motability Operations has brought great benefits to both organisations over the past year and we are pleased to strengthen it further.

“Scotland’s sporting landscape is facing significant resource challenges. Now more than ever, partnerships like this are crucial in ensuring that people with a disability continue to have access to life-changing opportunities in sport.”

This partnership signals a long-term commitment to removing barriers to participation in sport for Scots with a disability. Whether through sponsorship, shared expertise, or improved facilities, Motability Operations and SDS are continuing to work together to create a more inclusive sporting landscape by changing culture and behaviours through quality education and training experiences alongside providing extensive sport and physical activity opportunities in collaboration with local and national partners.

Poster of the Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2026 logo and dates: 23rd July to the 2nd August

Glasgow 2026 Announces Largest Ever Para Sport Medal Event Programme

The Glasgow 2026 Organising Company has announced (Thursday 6th) the medal event programme for the 23rd Commonwealth Games, with Para sport, Track Cycling and Swimming set for the most extensive medal event programmes in Commonwealth Games history.

The Glasgow 2026 Commonwealth Games will take place on Thursday 23 July to Sunday 2 August 2026 and will feature a 10-sport programme concentrated across four venues within an eight-mile corridor of the city, with over 200 gold medals up for grabs across the 10 days of sporting competition.

Glasgow 2026 will showcase a fully integrated Para sport programme across six of the ten sports, with a Commonwealth Games record 47 medal events in Para disciplines.
The action-packed sporting programme will take place at the Commonwealth Arena and Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, Scottish Exhibition Centre (SEC), Scotstoun Stadium and Tollcross International Swimming Centre, with the 10 sports on the schedule comprising:

• Artistic Gymnastics
• Athletics and Para Athletics
• 3×3 Basketball and 3×3 Wheelchair Basketball
• Boxing
• Swimming and Para Swimming
• Bowls and Para Bowls (indoor)
• Judo
• Netball
• Track and Para Track Cycling
• Weightlifting and Para Powerlifting

The Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome is set to see a very busy and full programme of racing, as
Glasgow hosts the biggest Track Cycling programme ever seen at a Commonwealth Games. The Track Cycling programme will see 26 medal events in total across Para and non Para disciplines. The Para Track Cycling programme has doubled in size from Birmingham 2022, with eight medals available, including the C1-C3 (men) and C4-C5 (women) Time Trials and Individual Pursuits for the first time.

The Tollcross International Swimming Centre will also see a jam-packed schedule as
Glasgow 2026 prepares for the most extensive swim programme in Commonwealth Games history, with 56 medal events in total across both Para and non Para competition. In a Games’ first, the men’s 800m Freestyle and women’s 1500m Freestyle races will be included.

In Scotstoun, World Athletics has made an innovative change to the athletics competition
with the return of the Commonwealth Mile. Last run in 1966, the Mile race, which will be run on the track, is a nod to the ‘The Miracle Mile’ at the Commonwealth Games in Vancouver, Canada in 1954, when England’s Roger Bannister and Australian John Landy – the only two sub-four-minute runners in the world at the time – went head to head only two months after Bannister became the first athlete to run a sub-four minute mile.

The Athletics programme has also been adapted to encourage strength and depth of
competition across all 74 territories, with the Mixed 4x400m relay included. It is also the first time in the history of the Commonwealth Games that Para Athletics will see athletes competing in jumping, throwing and track events, with all three disciplines being included on the programme for the first time.

Over on the Basketball court, the huge success of the 3×3 programme in Birmingham has seen the 3×3 Wheelchair Basketball competitions for men and women extend from six teams to eight and 3×3 Basketball competitions for men and women extend from eight teams to 12.

Chief Executive of Glasgow 2026, Phil Batty OBE, said “What makes the Commonwealth Games so special to so many is its fully integrated sport programme. I am proud that Glasgow 2026 will see the biggest Para sport medal event programme in Games’ history and will play such an important role in growing, supporting and championing Para sport.

“Glasgow 2026 is a bridge to the Commonwealth Games of tomorrow and we have a clear vision that it will be brilliantly different. The huge Track Cycling and Swimming programmes, alongside the return of the Mile in Athletics, a wealth of disciplines introduced to the Games for the first time across the Para Athletics, Para Track Cycling and Para Swimming programmes, not to mention the increase in 3×3 Basketball and 3×3
Wheelchair Basketball teams, makes the Glasgow 2026 sporting programme a really exciting prospect for fans and athletes alike.

“I’m confident that with action-packed programmes across all four venues in the city, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Glasgow 2026 is set to be a world-class sporting celebration, filled with passion, fun, and outstanding sport!”

Chief Executive of the Commonwealth Games Federation, Katie Sadleir CNZM, said: “This compelling medal event programme continues the red thread of innovation that is a key component of Glasgow 2026’s compelling concept – in terms of sports formats and disciplines, the compact number of sports, and concentrated number of existing venues.

“We are thrilled to see such an exciting medal programme for the Commonwealth Games that will be sure to delight and excite fans attending in-person or watching at home across each day of competition.

“With more Para sport medals than ever before in the Games, Glasgow 2026 promises to be a truly inclusive festival of sport and celebration of culture and diversity that inspires our athletes.”

Scottish Paralympic and World champion C3 cyclist, Fin Graham, said: “I’m absolutely delighted to see such a strong Cycling programme announced for Glasgow 2026, with greater Para sport integration than ever before.

“On a personal level, to have my category and events included is unbelievable – ever since Glasgow 2014 I’ve wanted to ride at the Commonwealth Games, and hopefully next year I’ll get that chance. To do it in front of a Scottish crowd, on the velodrome where I learnt to ride the track, will be even more special.”

World Athletics President Sebastian Coe said, “The mile is the quintessential Commonwealth athletics event whose return to the Games in Glasgow 2026 I very much welcome.

“From 1930 through to 1966, the mile was the blue riband event of each Games and the
magic of the mile continues to resonate with sports fans. A ticket to watch its Commonwealth final will be one of the must have seats in Glasgow next year.”

The full medal event programme is available via:

Please note that the Boxing medal event programme is due to be confirmed later this year. To find out more about Glasgow 2026 visit:

Anna McBride standing holding her trophy from winning the women's singles at the Australian Open

Anna McBride Aces Three Consecutive Wins in Australia 

By William Moncrieff, Communications Coordinator  

Anna McBride continues her fantastic run of tennis, taking the title at the Australian Open (AO) 2025 Intellectual Disability Championships (24-26 January). 

It’s the third time that the Australian Open has hosted the annual Intellectual Disability (ID) Championships and Deaf Championships, providing opportunities for players from, “diverse backgrounds to compete at an international level”.  

“The Australian Open is my favorite event, the stuff we get access to and the way we are treated is really good”, said Anna.  

Furthermore, the Scot has an unbeaten singles record in Melbourne.  

“I’ve won the singles three times in a row and the doubles twice before. I came second this time.”  

“For me, winning feels incredible, because to win once is an achievement but to win three times is really cool.” 

Anna believes that one of the possible reasons for her continued success at the Australian Open is down to the standards of play. “I love playing against the best players because you want to compare yourself against the best. It’s all the top players in the world, there are no easy matches.” 

Performing against world class players is not an easy feat. Anna explained how it took her a couple of matches to get into the tournament. “The first match I was a little bit nervous. I played my way into the event and by the time I played the final I felt really good.” 

However, coming up against a familiar face in the final assured her that she had the ability to make it three in a row: “I played a French girl called Eva Blanc in the final, I played her in September, I won but it was a 3 set match, but this time I won 6-1 6-1, so I was super happy about that.” 

Despite the intensity of the event, there was still time in Melbourne to connect with friends, including teammate and Young Persons’ Sport Panel member, Aidan Moody.  

Anna said: “Me and Aidan had a great time in Australia. We are really good friends.”  

“I just love the experience we get, and to win the whole thing feels incredible.” 

Anna McBride and Aidan Moody smiling togetherAidan said, “Playing at the Australian Open for a second time was an amazing opportunity and experience for me, and a challenge to test myself against the world’s top players in Learning Disability tennis.”

He continued to say: “As it was my second time I felt more relaxed and confident, and was excited to show how my game has progressed. This time I managed to reach the semi-finals in the men’s singles beating the world No 6 from Australia. This was a huge win for me and I was really proud my hard work and preparation had paid off. In the doubles me and my partner, Olly from GB, retained our runners up position losing out to a very strong pairing. 
“I absolutely loved playing on the Grand Slam courts again and being treated as a professional. One morning Jannik Sinner was training 2 courts down from me at the National Tennis Centre! I was also lucky to watch the Australian No1, Alex de Minaur, on the Rod Laver court – the atmosphere was fantastic that night. 
As well as the tennis, it was great meeting up with friends I have met at other events. It was a memorable and amazing trip for us all,” concluded Aidan. 
Close up photo of Aidan Moody hitting a tennis ball

Along with spending time with friends, accomplishing three in a row in front of family will be a fond memory for Anna, who commented, “I love it. Obviously they want the best for me, they’re always happy when I do well, they are really supportive of me. Obviously we have a great time after tennis, we try not to make it all about tennis.” 

Moving forward, Anna is looking at how she can continue to progress and perform at the highest level, commenting that she would, “want to keep playing in the GB set up.”  

She is also eager to continue her winning streak in Australia: “I would love to play in the Australian Open next year if I get invited back. It’s really good fun, I just love it really.” 

If you would like to find your passion for sport, contact your Regional Development Manager. Alternatively, to take part in a range of sports and activities in one location, register for one of Scottish Disability Sport’s (SDS) Parasport Festivals

To keep up-to-date with all things disability sport across Scotland, follow Scottish Disability Sport on Facebook, Instagram and X. 

Photo of Charlotte Askam smiling. She is inside a sports hall.

Meet SDS’ New Events Administrator, Charlotte Askham

By William Moncrieff, Communications Coordinator 

Passionate about disability sport and providing opportunities for all, Charlotte Askham is the latest addition to the Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) cohort, joining the events team alongside Josh Thomson (Events Manager) and Kirsty Byrne (Events Administrator).  

Charlotte is a current member of the Young Persons’ Sport Panel (YPSP). Although Charlotte has only recently joined SDS, she is familiar with the events programme after playing a key role in the delivery throughout 2024. Helping out with events was an opportunity that came through being part of the YPSP, an experience Charlotte regards as being very beneficial: “I’ve definitely come a long way from where I started. I was very shy and didn’t want to put myself up for things and now I am putting myself down for anything that comes up.” 

Opportunities to get involved in SDS events and develop your skills, is something that Charlotte believes to be a key benefit of sitting on the YPSP.  

She said: “Half the stuff I have done, like going to conferences, helping with events, being that first person you see when you come to an event, that was quite scary at the start, but through working with the panel and working with other people and doing these opportunities, it has definitely helped in learning new skills.”  

“If it wasn’t for the panel I wouldn’t have done half of this,” said Charlotte.  

Charlotte also explained that there is a social benefit to the panel: “We just get on so well, even if we don’t see each other all the time, we still pick up conversations. It’s just amazing.” 

Charlotte was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome when she was in school. This diagnosis resulted in her joining the Young Start programme, which provided her with the chance to gain new skills and further her love for sport.  

“I am passionate about disability sport because I was new to having a disability so that’s why I wanted to join the YPSP and the Young Start programme to kickstart my coaching journey,” Charlotte explained. 

Charlotte Askam and Paralympian, Hope Gordon

Along with helping with events, Charlotte has become a key member of SDS member branch, Forth Valley Disability Sport, by regularly volunteering. 

“One day something just clicked and I knew that I had found my people and my passion for disability sport. I am involved with a lot of ASN/Disability sport sessions and events with Forth Valley Disability Sport and Falkirk Active Schools. It gives me a buzz that I am working in an area that I absolutely love working in. The same goes for working with SDS.” 

“From day one I knew these were my people and that’s where I belonged and I can’t thank the whole team enough for everything they have done to help and support me on this journey,” said Charlotte. 

Moving forward, Charlotte is excited to join the team: “I’m definitely looking forward to working at more events and getting stuck in with the team.” 

If you also would be interested in getting involved with SDS’ events, make sure to register your initial interest to become a volunteer or camper at this year’s Summer Camp. The Summer Camp provides both participants and volunteers with some fantastic opportunities to get involved in a week of fun and adventure throughout the Scottish Highlands, the camp takes place at Badaguish, near Aviemore, from the 9th – 11th  July. To become a volunteer make sure to register your interest by the 28th  of February, and likewise to take your first step towards becoming a camper, register your interest by the 23rd of March. 

To keep up to date with all things disability sport across Scotland, follow Scottish Disability Sport on Facebook, Instagram and X.