YPSP Member Grace Attends International Conference

Photo of Grace smiling towards the camera. She is wearing a blue Sport Scotland t-shirt and has a bag over one shoulder, which she is holding the strap of.

Last week, Grace Jean Lawther from the Scottish Disability Sport Young Persons Sport Panel (SDS YPSP) was invited by sportscotland to attend Enable’s three-day Europe in Action 2024 Conference, held at The University of Strathclyde’s Technology and Innovation Centre in Glasgow.

With more than 400 people in attendance at the conference, Grace had the opportunity to connect with people from across Europe, with people attending from countries including Romania, Slovakia, Ireland, and Belgium among others.

Grace felt inspired by the event and found the discussions she had very hopeful and encouraging.

“As a disabled young person there is a lot of anxiety around how the future might look, and it is often the case that our journey looks different to our non-disabled peers. There were so many knowledgeable, courageous people to hear from at the conference”.

Since she joined the YPSP last year, Grace has been a very proactive member, showcasing her passion for disability sport, and has made a brilliant contribution to the panel and the wider work of SDS.

“As someone who is interested in advocacy – I am on the Scottish Disability Sport’s Young Persons Sport Panel, and I write a blog about my experience as a young, autistic woman – it was fascinating to see just how far others have taken their advocating”.

You can read the full article here.

The SDS YPSP is supported by the National Lottery Community Fund. The panel is made up of 16 young people aged 14-22 who come with a huge amount of enthusiasm, knowledge, and experience to help shape the future of disability sport in Scotland.