Where do I start: this year has been amazing and went so quickly – like who can believe it’s November already! Now, people say new years are about trying new things and exploring new opportunities. I have definitely done that this year. First of all I have joined the Young Start programme and have done courses with them that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do anywhere else and will hopefully be a qualified swimming teaching and athletics level 1 coach and also an athletics assistant official by the end of the year or start of next year. I also will be doing my lifeguard award around Easter time next year.
I have also begun my journey with the Law Enforcement Torch Run to help raise awareness and money for the Special Olympics which has opened a lot of opportunities for me as I have gone into the police academy and made my first ever attempt at public speaking, where I spoke about Myself and My Special Olympic Journey. I have also joined them on Torch Runs at events like the Special Olympics 40th Anniversary Games in Stirling in 2018, Forth Valley Flyers Athletics Championships this year and also Scottish Disability Sports Senior Athletics Championships this year. This has been an amazing experience so far and have met some amazing people that I hope to continue to work with and support them as much as I can. I would also like to thank them for the support they have given me too. Also you can show your support and keep updated on what they are doing through their Facebook page Law Enforcement Torch Run – Scotland.
On the 23rd October SDS held another very successful Central Para Sport Festival, where everyone there got involved and tried a mixture of different sports. These sports were athletics, badminton, boccia, climbing, curling, football and power chair football, sailing and swimming. Also to finish off the Festival we had an athlete Q&A with our amazing wheelchair curling and wheelchair racer athletes Robert McPherson and Meggan Dawson Farrell as they told us about themselves and what their sporting journeys have been like so far and where they want them to go.
After the success of this event we have had participants from the Central Para Sport Festival join clubs of the sport they enjoyed and wanted to do more of. This makes all the hard work that SDS put in to run this event every year worth doing as we get more children and young people into sport that they might not get to do anywhere else. For any more information on this event check the article write-up on the SDS web page.
On the 24th October Forth Valley Disability Sport and Go Out Get Active held an Adult Multi-Sport to help celebrate 3 years of GOGA. This was also a huge success with everyone there getting to try some new sports as well as some of the original sports we provide at FVDS. The sports they got to try were Soft Tip Archery, Athletics, Boccia, Boxing, Table Cricket, Quick Curling, and MATP (Motor Activity Training Program). It was an amazing event where everyone taking part loved it and had loads of fun trying all these sports and loads of laughs were shared as they went round all the activities.
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