Young valued walk leader inspired by GOGA in Fife

Adam Faulds is an active member of Disability Sport Fife and a peer mentor volunteer with the GOGA in Fife programme. Adam enjoys athletics, bowls and swimming and works so hard at weekly training sessions.

Adam is also an invaluable peer mentor volunteer at the weekly multi sports session at the Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre attended by around 60 adults with severe and complex needs. Adam is also involved with the DSF events programme and run, jump and throws sessions. Adam is patient, reliable and a competent communicator. Adam is popular and very hard working.

During year one of the GOGA in Fife programme, Adam attended the first walk leaders course tutored by Vivienne McNiven from Fife Council Communities and Neighbourhoods. Vivienne in her role with the Bums Off Seats programme has worked closely with GOGA in Fife to help promote walking as a way of engaging inactive people with disabilities in inclusive active recreation. GOGA in Fife has also been supported by national partner Paths for All.

Following attendance at the walk leaders course, Vivienne invited Adam to join her team of volunteer walk leaders and the rest is history. Adam is now totally committed to inclusive health walks and Vivienne and her leaders value Adam immensely as a colleague. Vivienne was asked to say a little about Adam as a valued volunteer and she sent me the following:

“Adam is part of the Walking for Health community walks leader team in the Glenrothes area. Community walks take place throughout the year and are open to all ages and are aimed at inactive participants who may have a long term health condition. Adam’s role includes taking the register, leading the walks safely, monitoring and motivating the participants. A vital part of being a walk leader is communication and Adam is excellent at chatting to walkers and encouraging them. As many of the walkers are older adults they appreciate having a younger person to spend time with and enjoy Adam’s enthusiasm. Adam is a reliable member of the team and is always willing to help out.”

Adam was thrilled to inform me last week that the programme that he is part of won the “Active Organisation” category in the Fife Voluntary Action Awards. GOGA in Fife introduced Adam to walk leadership and now he is passionate about walking and proud to be a walk leader. Adam is committed to getting out and being active………regularly.

Richard Brickley MBE – Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees