As part of the SDS Young Start review process I met up recently with DSF member Craig Smith at the DSF office. As always Craig was incredibly upbeat. Our meeting was scheduled just before his teaching/coaching session withGlenrothes Amateur Swimming Club.
Since embarking on his coach education journey Craig has developed into a confident and popular teacher. During his early days with the club Craig benefited greatly from working alongside fellow DSF member Lara Ferguson.
Craig recently travelled to the Tower Hotel in London to represent the Young Start programme at the UK Coaching Awards. As Scottish area winners of the transforming coaching section, the SDS Young Start programme was up against GB hockey and archery submissions with GB Hockey taking the honours.
All of us in Scotland associated with the Young Start programme were of course delighted with the Scottish win and pleased that Craig was selected as the Young Start ambassador. Last week Craig also represented the Young Start programme at a meeting of potential sponsors. When we met Craig explained the role he and others have played in shaping the future of the programme and the importance of raising awareness of mental health issues going forward.
Since successfully completing two Scottish Swimming qualifications Craig has flown. He is now a respected Glenrothes Amateur Swimming Club teacher and the impact that he and Lara Ferguson have had on the club is impressive. Craig is a very special young man and those of us who know him are confident that he will carve out a successful career in swim teaching.
Craig was a successful Para swimmer when he was a pupil at Glenrothes HS. Perhaps he will return to swimming one day and maybe even become involved in Masters Swimming. He certainly has the potential to excel in the sport. Currently his weekly schedule is challenging and he is running up an amazing number of miles driving between Fife, Edinburgh and Glasgow for his job, leisure and studies.
Craig has charisma in abundance and no shortage of intelligence and sparkle. DSF is proud to have Craig as a member and delighted that he is now a volunteer giving lots back to the sport that meant so much to him when he was a teenager. Craig got so much from the Young Start programme and now contributes so much to the development of the programme as well as benefiting from it. DSF is very proud of Craig Smith and believes that he will excel in whatever he decides to do in life.
Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees