Twenty Nine young people engaged enthusiastically in the Young Persons Sport Panel and Young Start online ‘Homidential’ on Saturday 27 February 2021. Due to circumstances this was in place of the annual two day residential. The young people designed the exciting programme to provide an opportunity to connect and learn. The day started with a Kahoot quiz designed and delivered by the young people, it was incredible to witness the competitive spirit shown by all. This led nicely into three workshops on leadership delivered by Steven Coulter from sportscotland, Jennifer Ross from Scottish Target Shooting and Kirsty Ewen from SDS and SAMH. It was great to hear the insightful comments, questions and feedback from the young people to the presenters throughout the sessions. Huge thank you to the deliverers for putting together a such a great workshop. After lunch Scott Tait, from Weeflea, took the young people on a learning experience on how to make videos on your smart phone. Through the wonders of technology and Ross Foleys technical wizardry we could watch everyone’s short video at the end together. A perfect end to the day. We were delighted to have been able to be together and share such a successful day but we look forward to when we can all get back together in person.
A small group of young people from both programmes have come together to design, develop and deliver a series of three wellbeing sessions. Please see details below and sign up if interested.
Wellbeing & Me Pilot Sessions
The Young Start programme are piloting three sessions as part of a series; Disability, Wellbeing & Me. The sessions are taking place on Monday 8, 15, 22 March, 6:30pm – 8:00pm. Sessions are completely free so please get involved and use this link to sign-up.