Disability Sport Fife (DSF) enjoys a very special relationship with the members of the Order of St John Fife. For over two decades Order members have financially supported individual DSF members and teams and have even funded the purchase of a DSF mini bus. Thousands of pounds have been raised by Order members in support of DSF projects and programmes and the beneficiaries have been hundreds of DSF members past and present.
Earlier this year Order members presented DSF with a cheque for £500 and it was decided to spend part of the money on the purchase of boccia balls for the ever improving young Tyler McLelland from Glenrothes. Advice was sought from Boccia UK Coach Claire Morrison and Claire recommended that soft boccia balls from Spain were the best available internationally for Tyler. Claire arranged the purchase and Tyler has not let them out of his sight since they arrived. They command a prominent position at home.
Recent surgery to his arm has prevented Tyler practicing but in the new year he hopes to return to full training. The young Auchmuty HS pupil hopes to follow in the footsteps of Rio Paralympian Kieran Steer from Crossgates who recently retired from the sport. Tyler’s mum Emma is now pursuing a coaching pathway and is going forward for her UKCC Level 1 Boccia Award in February next year.
Order of St John members Lesley Macdonald, Ewen Macdonald, Mary Gilmour, Stuart Morris, Elizabeth Laing, Findlay Macrae, Lawson Rennie and James Clark recently visited the DSF office at the Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre to meet up with Tyler, mum Emma and little brother Jack. Tyler explained why the soft Spanish boccia balls will help him with his game and even outlined some of the intricacies of the sport that is played globally by players with high levels of physical impairment. Tyler just cannot wait to get back playing after an already lengthy lay off.
Richard Brickley MBE – President Disability Sport Fife