Young Fife all rounder is one to watch

The story of Owen Miller, Sam Fernando and Carter Taylor, three of Fife’s very successful T20 athletes with additional support needs is similar. Identified early on in their school careers that they were athletes with potential, the tried and tested Fife support network kicked into action.
In the case of these three athletes, Woodmill HS and Bell Baxter staff met with Disability Sport Fife, families and club representatives to action appropriate transitioning between school, DSF sessions and club coaching. For Owen, Sam and Carter the role of families can never be underestimated. The sport in each instance is athletics and local club Fife Athletic Club, with its team of inclusive coaches, has taken all three athletes to the very highest level in track athletics and road running.
Zoe MacNulty from Balwearie HS is a young all-rounder starting out on a journey that may one day lead to involvement in club activities and who knows where thereafter. Tracy Barber (nee Wiscombe) and Rebecca Lee were at one time in a similar position and went on to excel in swimming at the highest level.
Young Zoe is currently showing promise in cross country, track, swimming, badminton and unihoc and was recently selected for the Disability Sport Fife Sportshall team that retained the national team title in Grangemouth. Like the others Zoe has strong family support. Prior to school and leisure centre closures, Zoe attended the Wednesday swim improvers session at Kirkcaldy Leisure Centre that was part of the GOGA in Fife programme supported by Spirit of 2012.
DSF swim/athletics coach and Balwearie HS teacher Gabby Doig now transports Zoe and her school friends Sam and Brooke to Tuesday run, jump and throws session at Pitreavie Athletics Centre. The next stage in the journey of young Zoe is hopefully club membership and discussions are already at an early stage. Zoe is definitely a youngster to watch and her enthusiasm and involvement in physical activity, including sport, with encouragement from family, school and DSF coaches to date has been exceptional.
Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees