I’ve always been lucky enough to have been involved in sport from a very young age and since moving to Fife seven years ago I’ve been given the opportunity to develop my skills with the support of Disability Sport Fife.
The idea of one day becoming a coach is something that really appeals to me. Being able to learn new skills and ideas that I can teach and pass on to a younger generation of athletes. My main focus is wheelchair racing but hopefully this opportunity will teach me how to coach athletics as a whole. I would hopefully like to be a coach when I finish Wheelchair Racing and learning the skills now will not just make it easier but better for me to start coaching quicker once I retire. It also helps that I will have my coach mentor to guide me through my journey and give me tips on how I can improve or what I’m doing well. I’m looking forward to being able to gain experience in coaching athletics and more specifically, the younger generation of athletes who will be able to learn and progress from what I‘ve been able pass on.
Callum Sloan, Young Persons Sports Panel