The Jets Swim Team

SDS is delighted to be able to thank some great people in Volunteers Week, 1-7 June. Over this week SDS will be highlighting volunteers who contribute so much to making sport happen at a local, regional and national level. Today the spotlight is on coaches who provide so many opportunities and are staying connected with participants in different and creative ways during lockdown and the phased return to sport. Today SDS is shining the spotlight on The Jets Swim Team.

The Jets Swim Team based in Kilmarnock was originally set up in 1987 as a branch of Sports for Special Needs, which was set up as a referral rehabilitation programme providing dryside and aquatic activities.  To begin with the numbers were low, however over the years the numbers increased vastly and the club now caters for around 50 children, young people and adults who have a learning, physical or sensory impairment.

Joan O’Sullivan primarily got involved with the club through her role as facility manager of the centre used by the Jets Swim Team and gave advice and assistance in the running of their annual swimming gala.  However, 18 years ago she was approached to ‘help out’ as there were concerns over the sustainability of the club due to lack of knowledge and volunteers to provide the roles required.  Joan initially agreed to volunteer for 3-4 months to help them get back on track, but nearly 19 years on she is still volunteering and loving every minute.

Joan volunteers as the Head Coach and Secretary, but also leads on Health & Safety and Training & Development for the club and volunteers.  At present there are 23 volunteers who have various roles within the club:

  • Committee member
  • Coach
  • Swimming teachers
  • Poolside assistants
  • In water aquatics helpers
  • Student Volunteers

The volunteers are heavily supported through an induction process, shadowing experienced coaches/teachers, training and development courses, to name a few, which enables them to thrive and enhance their skills.  Additionally, some of the club swimmers are now volunteering with the younger swimmers, which greatly increases their confidence.

Through the support of the volunteers in the club, all members gain more than just swimming experiences.  The Jets is a very family orientated club and run various social events throughout the year to bring everyone together which is greatly appreciated by all the members.

Below is a quote from a parent from the club:

“We are very lucky at The Jets Swim Team to have some of the friendliest, helpful, flexible and dedicated volunteers around.  From our head coach, swimming coaches, trainee coaches, poolside helpers, in-pool assistants, committee , parent helpers and fundraisers, we are a team, we are a family.  Week after week, month after month every single volunteer shows up and is there to support our swimmers.  They give up their time and we as parents and guardians are so very grateful.”

Lastly, to sum up if anyone is thinking about volunteering here is a quote from Joan:

“If anyone is thinking about becoming a volunteer, irrespective of where you want to volunteer, I would advise to go for it.  You will find it is the best experience ever!  If you go in with an open mind and absorb as much of the journey as possible, those who you are helping with not only gain from you, you will receive emotional rewards tenfold back.”

Joan O’Sullivan, The Jets Swim Team