Disability Sport Fife (DSF) is proud of the quality and quantity of coaches, volunteers and peer mentors it can call upon for sport specific and multi sport sessions organised across Fife. Some have been influenced recently by the Get Out and Get Active (GOGA) programme in Fife and others have demonstrated commitment over many years.
The team involved in delivering badminton coaching and a racquet sports session on Monday evenings at the Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre consistently delivers top quality learning to participants of all levels of ability with additional support needs. The progress demonstrated by participants is impressive and the enjoyment and appreciation are confirmation of the success of the project.
Alex Bird and Euan Bell (back left) are the coaches who lead the two hour Monday evening sessions. They are ably backed up by volunteers Ross Cameron, Maureen McNeill, and Cheryl Leech. They in turn are supported by peer mentors Steven Anderson, Robert Anderson, Briony Clark and Ryan Spearman. This team of nine plus others are committed to ensuring that participants have fun, improve their sports skills and interact in a friendly and safe environment. Numbers have never been higher, thanks to the quality of the programme and this very special workforce of coaches and volunteers.
Richard Brickley MBE
President, Disability Sport Fife