Tag: regional development manager

Photo of Wizzy Mills kneeling on the ground holding a hoopla hoop

SDS Welcomes Elizabeth Mills as New Regional Development Manager for Grampian and Shetland

“Summer Camp was one of the best experiences I’ve had.”  – Meet the new Regional Development Manager for Grampian and Shetland, Elizabeth (Wizzy) Mills.

By William Moncrieff, Communications Apprentice  

Elizabeth (Wizzy) Mills joined SDS’s Regional Development team as Manager for Grampian and Shetland region, in early June.  

Wizzy lives in Aberdeen after graduating from Robert Gordon University with a degree in Sport Science. Wizzy saw the job advertisement at SDS as a great personal development opportunity, stating: “I wanted to push myself out there and make my own knowledge better.” 

Wizzy has always been a sport enthusiast and she even volunteers as the Head Coach for the first and second Netball teams at Robert Gordon University.

Prior to starting the post at SDS, Wizzy had taken part in other forms of volunteering. This included helping out with boccia at the Grampian Parasport Festival, through her Coaching and Development HND at North Eastern Scottish College.

“I loved it. I helped out at the boccia session and it was amazing. I loved it so much”, said Wizzy.

It’s gone full circle for Wizzy, as now, “I am going to be running my own (Parasport Festivals). It’s crazy to think about, just three years ago I attended one and now I’m running it myself.”

The Grampian Parasport Festival will be taking place on Friday the 27th of September 2024 and will be held once again, at the Aberdeen Sports Village.

Not even two weeks ago, Wizzy was volunteering at the SDS Summer Camp and she believes that this experience will help guide her as she prepares for her Parasport Festival. 

“After Summer Camp it has really driven me to make the Parasport Festival even bigger and have even more opportunities for the children. I just cannot wait to see the smiles on their faces when they are trying something new for the first time”, said Wizzy.

Wizzy was a key member of the staff team at the Summer Camp, which was held at Badaguish (Aviemore) from the 10th to 12th of July. This was something that she found to be extremely meaningful.

“Summer Camp was one of the best experiences I’ve had. To see all of the children adventuring and trying new things and really pushing themselves is something I will really remember for a long time”, said Wizzy. 

When reflecting on some of her best memories she said, “The biggest highlight of the camp was making breakfast in the morning. Even though there was porridge and juice everywhere, the children were adamant they wanted do it all by themselves, which was amazing to see.”  

Now that Wizzy has settled more into her post as Regional Development Manager, she has found that she is enjoying getting out into the field.

“I’ve really enjoyed seeing the range of each participant. It’s just great. I met an individual with cerebral palsy, and I went to one of his frame running sessions. Just seeing what he was able to do was absolutely amazing”, explained Wizzy. 

To find our more about the opportunities to get active in your region, please contact your Regional Development Manager.

To find out more about the opportunities available in the Grampian and Shetland region, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Wizzy or connect with the Branches for Grampian and Shetland