Tag: Grampian

Young skier coming down ski slope at ASN snowsports session

YASS Ski Sessions

Youth Additional Support Sport – introducing youngsters with additional support needs to skiing.

Tailored sessions available to learn and improve your skiing.

When: Wednesdays, 1800-1900
Where: Aberdeen Snowsports Centre

Just £5 per person. 5 week block – booking required.

To book call reception on 01224 810 215.

Additional information: Skiing requires active engagement and as such a base level of fitness and motor skills are recommended. If you would like to speak to a member of staff to discuss your requirements please contact program@aberdeensnowsports.com.

Our YASS sessions have qualified support need instructors however any conditions that may affect a learner’s ability to take on information and follow the safety rules should be declared in the client welfare form sent to you at time of booking to ensure suitable support is provided.