South Lanarkshire Football Star gets VIP Treatment

Young Keeley Cerretti and her mum Jan, from South Lanarkshire, were the envy of many when they got given the VIP treatment at the prestigious UEFA Champions League Cup Final in Madrid last weekend.  This was due to Keeley’s “braveheart” face being in all the European match programmes for the UEFA’s Equal Game Campaign.   

Keeley was in her element and had an amazing experience getting to meet footballing legends like Luis Figo, however Baris Telle, Turkish Amputee star was her favourite.   She was also chosen to be a referee escort meaning she got 2 strips to keep 😊 

Keeley’s mum and dad, Jan and David, were bursting with pride seeing Keeley so happy spending time with the football legends, Champions League Referees and Baris Telle (Turkish Amputee Star). 

Keeley was buzzing the whole weekend and was treated like a mini VIP by the wonderful UEFA guys.  She thanks everyone for their hospitality and kindness and is now really looking forward to the European Kids Camp in Germany this summer. 

 The pictures tell it all really! 

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