Seoul Paralympic Games – 1988

One of my favourite photos from the Paralympic Games in Seoul in 1988
Carol Johnstone from Lothian and Kerry Taylor from Dunfermline in Fife were two of the leading athletes in their respective sports at the height of their careers.
Carol excelled in boccia and Kerry was a multi Paralympic medallist in athletics. Each of these athletes competed in a power wheelchair in the class specifically for the most physically challenged Para athletes. Carol competed in the BC 1 class in boccia and Kerry in class F31 in athletics. They were both remarkable in their respective sports despite the very high level of dysfunction that resulted from their cerebral palsy.
Apart from their great skills they were the life and soul of every team they were part of. In popularity terms they were off the scale. You could always guarantee to see them surrounded by athletes in the Games village. Sociable and fun loving were their trade marks. Exceptional talent however is what got them there in the first place.
Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees