Tuesday 31st March is the final working day for Norma Buchanan as part time administrator with Scottish Disability Sport. Since 2000 Norma has worked part time for SDS and part time for Disability Sport Fife. From 1st April 2020 Norma will retain her part time post with DSF but retire totally from SDS.
Norma has always worked in the Fife office of Scottish Disability Sport where her responsibilities lay largely in the areas of events and finance. Initially Norma worked closely with the late David Thomson from Glenrothes, who was treasurer of SDS for many years.
More recently Norma’s responsibilities centred wholly on the events side of SDS business and she became the named person for all issues relating to the comprehensive SDS events programme. All SDS branch representatives dealt directly with Norma and she became a highly respected and hard working SDS officer. Norma was the name on the events entry form and there was very little about the programme that she did not shape and develop. She is a consummate professional in every sense and highly respected by those she worked with. Mark Gaffney is well and truly the man in the driving seat in events these days and Norma has enjoyed immensely her time working with him.
Although no longer working directly with Scottish Disability Sport, we are delighted that Norma will remain within the wider Scottish Disability Sport family. Norma‘s work will continue to contribute to everything we all do – as it has done over the many years.