Scottish Disability Sport is delighted to announce that Andrinne Craig and Darren Thomson, a formidable duo of talented tutors, are helping to spread the word of boccia within Rwanda.
As part of the BISFed ‘Making Boccia Accessible’ project, seven countries attended a training workshop at which ‘Boccia Ambassadors’ learned how to play and coach the game so that they, in turn, can teach others in their countries.
In addition, BISFed will distribute over 400 sets of boccia balls free to 20 countries around the world, with the aim of introducing boccia to 10,000 new players. The project has been sponsored by the IPC’s AGITOS Foundation; UK Sport, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Hogan Lovells.
Darren and Andrinne have been part of the project delivering in Dubai and Cali, Columbia in 2016.
For full information see the BISFed website here: