Disability Sport Fife (DSF) has enjoyed forty years of support from Rotary International. 2017 is the third of three years of support from the Association of Fife Rotary Clubs for emerging performance sports people with a disability.
Rotarians Jim Slater (Dunfermline Carnegie), Derek Thomson (Burntisland), Anne Tait (St Andrews Kilrymont) and Alan Farquharson (West Fife) attended the 2017 DSF Championships and presented Disability Sport Fife President Richard Brickley with a cheque for £990. The Rotarians were representative of the Rotary Clubs in East, West and Central Fife who had contributed to the fund raising project. DSF will award four bursaries to emerging high peformance athletes in Fife to assist them with their training and competition costs.
Richard Brickley MBE
President, Disability Sport Fife