Return to Sport – Local Authorities, SGB’s and Trusts

SDS with its partners want to ensure that participants with disabilities are considered, included and planned for in any return to sport.
Evidence tells us that people with disabilities during Covid-19 have been the hardest hit which is compounded by the fact that participants with disabilities were least likely to participate in physical activity and sport pre Covid-19,  54% compared to those with no disability 88%(Scottish Household Survey 2019)

BBC Research on the Impact of Covid on people with disabilities (released in July 2021):

3351 people with disabilities were interviewed

  • 78% said mental health got worse
  • 72% said their disability had deteriorated
  • 20% had seen all of their appointments cancelled or were unable to attend
  • 7% had not left the house at all

Partners reveal that there are more considerations to get participants with disabilities returning to sport including lack of confidence, accessing suitable facilities, support, lack of opportunities, financial implications both for facilities and individuals. It is important to consider the individual needs of participants and athletes with a disability when returning to physical activity and sport. Evidence in the video demonstrates that participants with a disability are keen to get back into physical activity and sport, meet their friends and have fun.

This video demonstrates how SDS partners are addressing challenges and positively ensuring a safe and fun return to physical activity and sport for participants with a disability. Amongst the key solutions are safety, planning, partnerships and a welcoming and inclusive approach.

If you would like support or further information please contact Scottish Disability Sport on 0131 317 1130 or
For more detailed information, please consult our guidance document: Principles for Participants With Disabilities Returning to Physical Activity And Sport in Scotland