Red Team Blog

Day Two: was another fun day! We started it off playing boccia, goalball and football, the latter which was definitely a group favourite! After lunch, we trekked around 5km to do a circular route to/from the Green Loch. It was quite tough in places – we had to climb a few hills but we rose to the challenge and had a great time! 

We were set some team tasks to complete on the expedition, one being to come up with a team song or chant. Ours was: “Red team is on fire!” Alicia Keys eat your heart out! 


Day Three: That’s a wrap on camp! And what a way to bring it to a close with a BBQ in the sun with our families and carers! Just after the BBQ we got a group photo and then it was the prize giving ceremony – to find out which team won the John De Courcy Trophy. With 8601 points we sealed second place, not far behind the blue team who won the trophy with 8937 points. We’re very proud of ourselves and can leave camp with our heads held high. 

On our final day, before lunch, we enjoyed adaptive cycling and taking part in the summer camp assault course. The cycling was fun, as you could go very fast on the bikes! We kept up the same momentum in the assault course – trying to complete it faster than both the green and blue teams.  

It’s been a whirlwind three days and we’re leaving camp with new friendships and lasting memories. We’re already buzzing for Summer Camp 2025! 


Group photo of children at summer camp that were in team red. They are standing and sitting next to their red team flag that they designed

Group photo of the Red Team, they are smiling and standing in front of the Green Loch

Photo of a group of children in a forest, trying to spell the word red, with their bodies

Photo of a young lady sitting in a wheelchair playing football

Photo of a young boy walking in a forest with a midgie net over his head

Photo of two girls from behind looking out towards the Green Loch