To day I am delighted to report that we now have over 6,000 Facebook followers. Prior to lock down the 2020 Annual Awards and AGM of DSF (SCIO) was set for Monday 27th April. Not surprisingly it has been postponed but I had set a target of trying to attract 6,000 followers by the date of the AGM. Thanks to your support and feedback we have hit the target and I thank you most sincerely for your loyalty. We are still pursuing 6,000 “likes” but we require another 100 visitors to click the “like” button before we can have a double celebration.
I am pleased that we are followed by visitors from all over the world. It is particularly pleasing when participants, support staff and volunteers who have moved on return to pass comment on a particular article. To days article on the 2009 Games has brought a lot of retired Fife Council staff, athletes and volunteers back in touch. Facebook is the main communication platform for Disability Sport Fife and during lock down it has become even more influential and important.
My mission is to try and keep the Facebook page fresh. More recently I have been featuring junior members, DSF coaches, DSF volunteers and great occasions from the past that have influenced our movement. I obviously report news and highlight ways in which our members are active at home. I share news and activities from other areas and organisations and highlight opportunities for our participants and volunteers to be active at home. Fife Sports and Leisure Trust gym staff and others have been particularly active along with DSF coach Pamela Robson plus son Olly. Pamela is also providing zoom sessions for our younger members. It is hugely important that our members and friends try to remain active at home during lock down.
Once again thank you for your support. Please share details about our page with your friends and families. If you can afford the time there is a section on the page that offers you the opportunity for feedback. Stay home and stay safe. The family will be together again soon.
Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees