Young Persons Sports Panel – Shelby Watson
As the heading suggests I am and athlete and a student. But I feel like the true challenges of being both are hidden away by the false pretences of social media.
These past few months have held the highlights of this year so far but also brought about some struggles. This year I got a letter, a selection notice. I have been selected to represent my country once again for my favourite competition, a competition that four years ago I claimed my first world records in. I am over the moon, it is such an honour! But with that delight came the dread of will I get all my course work done in time? After all these past few months and the months ahead are the most critical. So amongst the stress of exams, work overloads and the reality of an empty bank #StudentProblems… it’s been a year of prioritising.
As an athlete you will get many opportunities to compete at plenty of competitions. However to truly mange a career in sport and be a full time student you must learn to sacrifice. This year I have yet to attend a competition, there are many factors as to why but the reality is I have to have priorities. The CPISRA World Games in August is this year’s priority.
However like stated above this year has had its Challenges. At the start of this year I grew hips (yay me) and after years of looking 12 I finally look 20 (my age). Why is this a challenge?…. because I could no longer fit in my 15 year old made to measure racer. I cried. A lot. But this isn’t about my weight gain, so how does it relate? Well my time off training while I waited for my racer gave me the chance to reflect back.
This was my routine:
- Train
- Eat
- Placement
- Train
- Eat
- Study
- Sleep
- Repeat
But after some reflection I realised I didn’t have any me time! I cannot stress the importance of “me” time to another athlete enough. The stress of a student mixed in with being an athlete is a lot. But it can be done!
I have been so focused on my studies and my training that I didn’t see the bigger picture. I was once told everyone has a “Cookie Jar” – this jar is filled with all the challenges a person has ever had in their lives. And like most people mine has possibly been filled three times over just in the past month. I’ve had so many fall backs in my athletic career already, from not being able to compete on the world stage to out-growing a very expensive racing chair. As a student I’ve had exam results lower than what I worked for and a bank account that’s got way more money going out than coming in.
But that’s life. It’s not a sob story but the challenging truth of being an athlete and a student. On social media you will only ever see my success, I will not post about my challenges and so by sharing this with you all I hope to ensure other athletes that it’s okay to be overwhelmed with the lifestyle. We’re meant to face challenges in order to come out stronger on the other side. I know I have.
This article isn’t a moan, it’s just me expressing my truth. It’s a hard life choice but it’s worth it as long as you’re willing to work hard for it. So my secret? Priorities, work hard, it’s okay not to be okay and always find time for reflection!