Project Echo is launching a new social media campaign called #CaptureTheBarrier. We would like to hear from persons with disability and their allies. The campaign is part of a larger research project that aims to understand peoples’ experiences of participation in sport and physical activity. By bringing this conversation to mainstream platforms we aim to generate conversation about the many challenges of participation, but also discuss how people have navigated many of the barriers. Through participation in the campaign and subsequent participation in the research, you can help inform decision making and inform policy on the future of sport and physical activity, post-pandemic.
To join the campaign simply:
- Follow our social media platforms for some inspiration
- Capture a picture of a barrier to physical activity that you have seen or experienced
- Tag @projectecho2020 (Facebook), @projectecho2020 (Twitter) or @proj.echo (Instagram)
- Use the hashtag #projectecho and #CaptureTheBarrier 
- Tag us and 3 other people you want to see complete this challenge
- Join the conversation at theechoproject.org.