Disability Sport Fife is pleased to report that a new bursary will be available to athlete members in 2018 and 2019. The bursaries have been provided by past Paralympian Paul Johnston from Kennoway who represented Great Britain in Barcelona 1992, Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 where he won a bronze medal. In the words of PJ: “It’s payback for all the support I received when I was competing at the highest level.” The first recipient will be identified in September.
DSF members can now access Bill Pullar bursaries, Russell Hogg bursaries, Association of Fife Rotary Clubs bursaries, Order of St John Fife bursaries, Kilrymont St Andrews bursary and now Paul Johnston bursaries. These monetary awards assist DSF members greatly to achieve their full potential in para sports by helping them with training and competition costs.
Richard Brickley MBE – President Disability Sport Fife