North Ayrshire Active Schools Festival

On Wednesday 23rd Jan 2019, North Ayrshire Active Schools hosted a second ASN festival for all schools across North Ayrshire, which took place at The Portal in Irvine. Nine primaries with over 50 pupils from P1-7 attended in the morning session and five secondaries with over 30 S1-6 pupils were in attendance in the afternoon.

We worked in partnership with Ayrshire College classes – HND Sports Coaching with Development of Sport. The college pupils received a planning workshop from Lauren Fletcher, Active Schools Coordinator and delivered each sport station. Two spectacular sport leaders, Sean & Ben from North Ayrshire helped out on the day and were an inspiration to all pupils, they helped run the boccia station which was super fun! One of our North Ayrshire Sports Academy Students, Abigail helped out at the Basketball station and was a role model to all pupils!

To make the festival a huge success we worked in partnership with KA Leisure, sporting pathways, Scottish Disability Sport and Ayrshire Sportsability. It was also great to have the support from Rosie a Paediatric Physiotherapist within Rainbow House, Irvine.

All schools had very positive feedback:

  • “My favourite was the boccia and badminton, can we go next year?”
  • “Things are adapted to meet all needs, nice to meet other people with similar needs, great to see
    pupils enjoying themselves.”
  • “The children have been able to experience success at their own level and partake in activities
    appropriate to their level, they have really enjoyed today.”
  • “It was so well organised.”

It was great to receive the support and feedback from all schools involved and we are looking forward to planning more events for 2019.