A Keith man is encouraging runners of all abilities to consider training to be guide runners to enable people with sight loss to keep fit and healthy, and to achieve their ambitions.
Bruce Cruickshank, who works for North East Sensory Services, lost his sight in 2010 and got involved in running with the support of his local Jog Scotland group in order to get fitter and try something new.
In addition to the weekly Jog Scotland sessions, Bruce runs a few kilometres two to three times per week with Personal Trainer, Lisa Morrison. However, Bruce is looking to expand his fleet of guide runners to relieve the pressure off Lisa, who has other commitments, and to enable more people in Moray with sight loss to experience the benefits of running.
Guide running is a very straightforward concept: a sighted runner and a runner with sight loss both hold on to a tether and run side-by-side at the same pace. The guide runner communicates with the runner with sight loss about changes in direction, terrain and other details in order to ensure their safety. Training is available for anyone interested in becoming a guide runner and it’s a fantastic way to improve your own fitness whilst enabling a runner with sight loss to do likewise.
Bruce said “I would like to get out running again but due to lack of guide runners in the area I can’t get out possibly as much as I would like. I really enjoy getting out there and covering a few km.”
Lisa added “I got into the London marathon and decided to raise money for Guide Dogs, so I can only give so much time to run with Bruce due to training. So it would be great to see him out and about with more leaders.”
To register your interest in becoming a guide runner, get in touch with Alison Shaw (Regional Manager for Scottish Disability Sport) on 07828 744 848 or alison.shaw@scottishdisabilitysport.com
Scottish Disability Sport is keen to hear from anyone living with a physical, sensory or learning disability who is interested in getting involved in Para Sport. Grampian residents should also contact Alison if they would like more information on opportunities in Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire & Moray.