Minister for Public Health & Sport Aileen Campbell MSP brought to a close a highly successful 53rd Annual General Meeting of Scottish Disability Sport (SDS). This year’s AGM was held at the Stirling Court Hotel, Stirling on Sunday 2nd October and incorporated the running of the annual SDS Branch Conference for the first time. 126 members, athletes and players, friends and representatives from partner agencies attended the AGM.
The AGM was opened by SDS Chair Janice Eaglesham MBE who welcomed those in attendance and thanked the key staff, coaches, volunteers and key partners for their hard work and commitment during 2014/2015. The election of directors of the Association resulted in the following individuals being elected:
Directors Oliver Barsby
Jay Runga
The guest speakers for the 2016 AGM were BISFed BC4 Individual World Boccia Champion Stephen McGuire and GB Boccia Performance Coach Claire Morrison. The pair delivered an informative and entertaining presentation on their experiences within boccia and reflections on the recent Summer Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Chair Janice Eaglesham MBE reported on progress made during the past year in relation to the SDS strategic plan 2012-2017, “Inspiring Through Inclusion” and CEO Gavin Macleod followed this by presenting the first viewing of the next SDS Strategic Plan that will lead the work of the Association from 2017-2021.
The Minister for Public Health & Sport, Aileen Campbell MSP, was then joined by Julie Hogg, on behalf of the Russell Hogg Trust, to present the SDS Awards to athletes, coaches and volunteers. The main award of the evening, the Gordon Brown Memorial trophy for the Athletes’ Athlete of the Year, was awarded to wheelchair tennis legend Gordon Reid.
The evening concluded with the AGM closing remarks being delivered by the Minister for Public Health & Sport who congratulated SDS on the successes of the year gone by and outlined the Scottish Government’s commitment to equality within sport.
Click here for a copy of the slides from the SDS AGM of 2016..
Perth & Kinross Disability Sport
South Lanarkshire Disability Sport
Russell Hogg Bursary
David Beattie
Josh Manson
Archie Cameron Bursary
Reegan Stevenson
Special Recognition Award
Paul Noble MBE
Special Olympics Trophy
Elaine McKenna
Capability Scotland Salver
Abby Kane
Glasgow Trophy
Anna Tizzard
Elspeth Watson Trophy
Andrew Smith
Russell Hogg Trophy
Alex Bird
Fife Trophy
Karen Ross
Findlay Calder Trophy
Libby Clegg
Brian Dolan Memorial Trophy
Andrew Mullen
Angus Trophy
Gordon Reid
Gordon Brown Memorial Trophy
Gordon Reid
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