Miller heads off to Dubai and World Championships

Best wishes to Owen Miller from Dunfermline and Fife AC who will face the greatest challenge in his illustrious career to date as a T20 athlete with an intellectual impairment, when he arrives in Dubai for the World Para AthleticsWorld Championships from 7th – 15th November.

The former Woodmill HS pupil is coached by Steve Doig at Fife AC and has flourished since the two came together two years ago. Owen is now second on the all time British T20 1500m list with a personal best of 3:56.32. This has opened up this opportunity to compete at the very highest level of world Para athletics and earn him his very first full Great Britain vest.

Owen has had a very successful career as an international athlete competing in INAS European and World Championships but being part of a WPA event has so far eluded him. He is a proud custodian of INAS medals of different colours won indoors and out over 800m and 1500m but he has never given up hope of one day wearing a full GB vest.

Inclusion on the British Athletics Paralympic Futures Academy Programme for the 2018/2019 season came at exactly the right time for athlete and coach and they have taken full advantage. Owen was disappointed when he missed out on selection for the Paralympic Games in London in 2012 but he has never given up hope of one day achieving his dream. Similarly Fife Athletic Club, Scottish Athletics and Disability Sport Fife have always believed in Owen and thank you British Athletics for providing Owen with the opportunity to realise his dream.

Owen has a very supportive family and club colleagues who have been assisting with pacing in the lead up to departure date of November 2nd. Mum and Gran have been there for Owen at all times along with his brothers and sister. Fife Sports and Leisure Trust supports Owen along with all other high performance Fife Para athletes and Fife AC is nationally recognised for its commitment to inclusive practice and coaching over many years. Previously great Fife AC athletes like Caroline Baird MBE, Colin Keay and more recently Derek Rae have worn the GB vest with pride and no shortage of success at Paralympic and World level.

Owen is scheduled to run on Thursday 14th November around 20 00 Dubai time. DSF will make every effort to keep Owen’s followers and supporters informed about how he is coping with this chance of a lifetime opportunity to compete against the best T20 athletes in the world.

Owen has been a massive influence on the Disability Sport Fife cross country and middle distance programme and he has always been a superb role model for emerging young athletes. Owen has dominated Scottish T20 middle distance running for a decade and Dubai will be an opportunity for him to bring his learning of the past two years and before to the international stage of Para athletics. All of us in Fife and beyond congratulate Owen on his selection and wish him well.

Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees