John Clark, Exceptional Athlete and Coach

I wrote recently about the death of the great John Clark from East Lothian who excelled in wheelchair fencing and basketball and was also a world renowned coach of his time. John was the only wheelchair athlete I can recall who received the BANC Dextrosol coach of the year award. In addition John was a fine man who taught me so much when I switched from mainstream coaching to coaching athletes with disabilities in 1975.

Recently I spent an afternoon with Jean Stone MBE, honorary vice President of Scottish Disability Sport, and one of the most highly respected volunteers in international Para sport in the world. The Scottish Paraplegic Association (SPA) was the most influential organisation in the development of wheelchair sports in Scotland and Jean and John were leading volunteers within that organisation.

Jean and I discussed lots of subjects and reflected on the significant role played by John in the development of disability sport in general. John was a true champion and a friend to many. Planning and preparation were at the forefront of his daily routine. Volunteers do not come any more efficient than John and we have the journals to prove this. John will be sadly missed by many.

John Clark was one of the most influential and accomplished of Scottish wheelchair athletes who played a critical role in the development of all areas of disability sport in Scotland. I had the pleasure of working with him at multi sort training weekends at Tulliallan for the SPA and Scottish Spina Bifida Association. There was no more respected coach than John Clark

Outstanding Lothian Paralympic swimmer and wheelchair racer Wilma Lawrie wrote “An incredible, dedicated gentleman who changed and improved the lives of so many with his skill and knowledge. He encouraged, cajoled and celebrated our achievements with humour and gave so much time to disability sport. I feel honoured to have known John from my early teens when he first taught me fencing at school, and remember the training weekends with basketball, table tennis and swimming along with the morning warm ups on the parade ground at Tullialan, and the many years of Thursday evening pool sessions at St David’s HS, Dalkeith.”

Photo: John Clark – BANC coach of the year

Richard Brickley MBE – President Disability sport Fife.