Huge Success for Grampian’s First Inclusive Cycling Workshop

Six youngsters from Grampian are on their way to becoming independent cyclists after Adventure Aberdeen hosted its very first Inclusive Learn to Bike workshop during the summer holidays.

The specialist workshop was set up following an enquiry from a parent of a deaf child, who highlighted that her son couldn’t yet cycle without stabilisers, but felt too old to attend the mainstream Learn to Bike workshops which are offered routinely across the country. After enquiring a little wider, it was found that there were a number of young people with disabilities in the same situation and it was then that we approached Adventure Aberdeen with the idea of setting up a pilot workshop especially for these children, and they thoroughly rose to the challenge.

At the end of the 3-hour workshop, 2 of the youngsters were able to cycle confidently without stabilisers, and the remaining 4 children were close to cycling 2-wheeled too!

The chance enquiry from this parent has become a catalyst in driving forward inclusive cycling, and we’re looking forward to continuing working with Adventure Aberdeen to set up further Inclusive Learn to Bike workshops more routinely, and hosting the first inclusive Bikeability workshop for the youngsters who have ‘graduated’ from Learn to Bike and who are ready to develop their cycling proficiency.

Well done to all of the participants who put in so much effort during the workshop, and a huge thank you to the parents and to Sally from Adventure Aberdeen for making it all happen.

If you live with a physical, sensory or intellectual disability in Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire or Moray (or know someone who does) and would like to get more involved in sport, please get in touch with Alison Shaw on 07828 744 848 or