Friday 21st June 2019, 10.30-12pm – Beveridge Park, Kirkcaldy – meeting point Kirkcaldy Rugby Club
Disability Sport Fife and Get Out Get Active (GOGA) in Fife, with support from the Jo Cox Foundation are hosting a “Great Get Together” to celebrate the success of the GOGA movement in Fife.
DSF and GOGA Fife will organise “The Great Walk in the Park” on Friday 21st June to be led by GOGA in Fife peer mentor volunteers followed by a Tea in the Park at the conclusion.
To date, ten GOGA in Fife inclusive Walks in the Park have been organised, demonstrating Fife’s commitment to the GOGA and Spirit of 2012 principles. During the “Great Walk in the Park” individuals of all ages and abilities will be encouraged to walk or push their way around the park over a distance appropriate to their level of ability.
GOGA in Fife peer mentor volunteers will lead the “Great Walk in the Park” with support from the GOGA in Fife team. In keeping with the ethos and values of the late Jo Cox and the Foundation set up in her name, “The Great Walk in the Park” team will promote the values of kindness and respect.
The organisers of the “Great Walk in the Park” hope to bring together as many individuals as possible from the GOGA in Fife and Disability Sport Fife programmes. Others who support the organisation – parents, significant others, friends, carers and partner organisations are also encouraged to support the occasion.
As well as encouraging and promoting active recreation, the “Great Walk in the Park” will celebrate the success of the GOGA in Fife peer mentor programme. Participants will have fun, physical activity and then finish off with “Tea and Cake in the Park”.
The “Great Walk in the Park” will be held at the Beveridge Park in Kirkcaldy on Friday 21st June from 10.30 – 12.00pm. GOGA in Fife coaches will lead the “Great Walk in the Park Big Warm Up” and peer mentors will lead the walk around the beautiful Beveridge Park. Participants will then be invited for refreshments at Kirkcaldy Rugby Club.
Registration for “The Big Walk in the Park” is essential and forms are available from the DSF office. Spread the word, put the date in your diary and request a registration form.
The GOGA in Fife Team look forward to being active and celebrating with you.
Richard Brickley MBE – Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees