Grampian Kids in Competitive Spirit at Norma Buist Gala

37 school-aged swimmers from across Aberdeen City & Shire with physical, sensory and learning disabilities were welcomed to Aberdeen Sports Village this week for the annual Norma Buist Gala.

Despite a lower number of entries for this year’s event, a number of newer swimmers were out in force & competition between the teams (and individual swimmers) was as exciting as ever with places in the SDS National Junior Swimming Championships at stake!

As well as the usual inspiring performances by experienced competitors Jason Cobb, Matthew Scott, Tegan Davidson, Rhys Gill, Murray Eunson & Lucy Thomas – all of whom took home medals and/or PB’s – a number of new & developing para swimmers wowed us with their performances including Skye Michie, Rebecca Thomson, Aidan and, Para Swimming newcomer, Layton Burr who certainly gave the older lads a run for their money!

The event was well-attended by teachers, parents and fellow pupils who were an amazing support to all of the competitors!

The event would not be possibly without the team of volunteers from Grampian Disability Sport, members of the Aberdeen City & Aberdeenshire Active Schools teams, local club representatives & Scottish Disability Sport. An extra thank you to Marie Cheyne for her tireless efforts in producing & communicating the competition schedule, and for the post-event admin!

Well done to all & good luck to all of the swimmers selected for the National Junior Swimming Championships, which will be held in November!