Disability Sport Fife (SCIO) has a Service Level Agreement with the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust. The SLA results in cooperative working in a range of areas including the following – hosting of the busy DSF annual events calendar; provision of settings for the weekly DSF active recreation and sports sessions; access to FSLT staff expertise including the design team; an office base in the Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre; support from the vast team of swimming teachers who operate across the FSLT network of swimming pools; support for individual GB and Scottish representative athletes, etc.
One group of FSLT staff members who have embraced inclusive practice wholeheartedly and the principles of Get Out Get Active supported by Spirit of 2012, are the members of the gym teams in FSLT leisure centres across Fife led by Stuart Bizzarri. From east to west individual gym staff enthusiastically support participants of all ages and abilities through the induction process and follow up with individualised programmes that take account of their physical, sensory or learning challenges. From simple programmes on a few pieces of equipment to supported engagement in a wide range of options, positive examples are many and varied. Some gym staff have recorded major successes working with participants with severe and complex needs while others are exploring the challenges associated with gym users with communication differences. Active recreation as promoted by GOGA in Fife sits comfortably with the inclusive FSLT gym team.
There are outstanding examples of participants with disabilities who have not only improved their health and well being but have benefitted immensely from the social and psychological benefits of regular gym visits. Some gym staff in Fife work with DSF members who are competing at the highest level in international Para sport and Stuart himself continues to support aspiring young Fife Para swimmers with Paralympic potential. The bespoke programmes he has devised in conjunction with swimmers and their families are exceptional and result in clear measurable improvements in strength gains.
Thank you to FSLT gym staff across Fife. Disability Sport Fife (SCIO) considers you key partners in our quest to encourage participants to Get Out Get Active in Fife.
Richard Brickley MBE – President Disability Sport Fife