There was great excitement this morning at the Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre when the Nordic Walking poles were introduced for the first time to four participants at the weekly multi activity session for adults with additional support needs.
Working with national partner Paths for All and local partner Bums Off seats, GOGA in Fife promotes walking as part of the daily activity schedule of children, young people and adults with disabilities across Fife. Monthly GOGA in Fife Walks in the Park are proving particularly popular with Walks eight and nine scheduled for early February and March.
With support and guidance from GOGA in Fife local and national partners, Nordic walking poles have been purchased from Nordic Walking UK. GOGA in Fife is in the process of launching a local programme. Nordic walking offers a full body work out and sits comfortably alongside the walking programme which is one of the core activities of the GOGA programme in Scotland. In
so many ways it can be likened to a session on a cross trainer and working the upper, lower limbs and core at the same time.
With support from Paths for All and Spirit of 2012, GOGA in Fife has purchased 18 sets of poles. The programme of Nordic walking will be delivered through DSF member organisation “champions”. Champions will introduce correct technique and promote opportunities that encourage fun and inclusive active recreation. We are convinced in Fife that the activity will catch on.
Four GOGA in Fife participants volunteered to try out the poles indoors for the first time. After a ten minute period of instruction and trial and error, Nicola, Roberta, Neil and Mark had cracked it. So many others wanted to join in but their time will come. Nordic walking is here to say in Fife and as one of the support staff said “I am always looking for something different to do with our service users and Nordic walking is just perfect. I cannot wait to get started.”
Get Out Get Active ….Scandinavian style
Richard Brickley MBE – Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees