Sixteen GOGA in Fife volunteers and peer mentor volunteers attended a Scottish Disability Sport, Disability Inclusion Training (DIT) coaching and volunteers course at the Michael Woods Sports & Leisure Centre on Monday 18th November. This was the first of several that will be organised throughout 2020 and 2021 for new and potential DSF volunteers and coaches.
The course was tutored by Richard Brickley and Pamela Robson and supported by Spirit of 2012 through Get Out Get Active (GOGA). This was the last of many GOGA in Fife training opportunities that have been held for coaches and volunteers within inclusive clubs and the local authority since GOGA in Fife was launched almost three years ago.
The GOGA in Fife team strongly believe that changing activity behaviours will only happen if the GOGA in Fife coaching and volunteering team is supported by quality, relevant and regular training. Spirit of 2012 through GOGA has made this possible and there is a commitment to ensure training continues throughout 2020 and beyond. Scottish Disability Sport and other partners are making this possible by offering funding for new courses in 2020.
The programme for this most recent course was determined by the participants and covered the DIT principles of adopting a functional approach, relevant communication styles and the principles of STEP. The whole course was practical and covered warm up, carpet bowls, run, jump and throws, boccia, team games etc. The full three hours were fun, appropriate and engaging. GOGA in Fife volunteers and peer mentor volunteers committed fully to the learning experience and feedback was positive.
Richard Brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity