#GiveItaGO Week 2: Speed Ladder

Thanks to everyone who sent in their videos of The Snake Slalom – great effort! 

Now it’s time for the 2nd challenge of our #GiveItAGo initiative – Speed Ladder 

Scottish Disability Sport invites you to have fun and get active with your family using our activity cards which are posted on our website. The purpose is to challenge individuals, family and friends to give it a go each week using a  different activity card. 

Click here to see the Speed Ladder.    

 How many weeks can you be involved and who will have the most points at the end?   

 To register click here. 

 10 points awarded for submitting your video  

  • Bonus points will be awarded for creativity  
  • The team with the most creative video each week will receive a £10 Amazon voucher. 
  • A new challenge is set every Monday afternoon 
  • Closing date for entries to be included in the montage & prize draw is 6pm on the Sunday of each week 

 Have fun. We can’t wait to see your videos!